General Assembly of the United Nations (2024)

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Election of the President of the 78th Session of the General Assembly

His Excellency Dennis Francis, Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations, was elected to serve as President of the 78th Session of the General Assembly. The election took place at United Nations Headquarters, in New York, on 1 June 2023.

In its resolution “Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly” (A/RES/71/323), the Assembly decided that candidates to the presidency of the General Assembly present their vision and conduct informal interactive dialogues with Member States, to contribute to the transparency and inclusivity of the process.

During an informal interactive dialogue, held on 12 May 2023, the candidate for the position of President of the 78th General Assembly presented his vision statement and answered questions from Member States, Civil Society representatives and various stakeholders.

  • Press release: General Assembly Elects Dennis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago President of Seventy-Eighth Session, Selects Main Committee Bureaus [GA/12504]
  • UN News: Incoming General Assembly President to prioritize ‘Peace, Prosperity, Progress and Sustainability’
  • Videos:

    Informal interactive dialogue (12 May 2023; 3 hours)

    Election of H.E.Mr.Dennis Francis (1 June 2023; 68 minutes)

His Excellency Dennis Francis, Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations

General Assembly of the United Nations (2)

Ambassador Dennis Francis has had a career spanning approximately 40 years in the Diplomatic Service of Trinidad and Tobago. For 18 of those years of unbroken service, he held the rank of ambassador until his compulsory retirement from career service in 2016. According to Mr. Francis, he has the distinction of being his country’s longest-serving ambassador. Beforedemitting office as Director of Multilateral Relations, he functioned as Senior Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs on all multilateral-level matters, including climate change and the negotiations on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

His transfer back to Port of Spain in 2011 capped the posting of Ambassador Francis as Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations Office at Geneva, as well as Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Human Rights Council. He was accredited concurrently to specialized agencies of the United Nations system in Vienna and Rome, besides having bilateral accreditation as Ambassador to Austria and to Italy. Ambassador Francis was appointed Permanent Delegate to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

In 2010, during a period of renewed engagement in multilateral trade negotiations, Ambassador Francis was elected to the sensitive position of Chairman of the WTO Negotiating Group on Rules, covering anti-dumping, subsidies and countervailing measures, including fisheries subsidies. He also served as Chairman of the Committee on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in regular session, as well as Chairman of the Commonwealth Group of Developing Countries (2007-2008).

He has led many national delegations, including to the first universal periodic review of Trinidad and Tobago in the Human Rights Council in October 2011 and to the twelfth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which was held in Accra, Ghana, in 2008.

The assignment of Ambassador Francis in Geneva in 2006 followed a seven-year tour of duty as High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago to Jamaica and Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the International Seabed Authority. During that period, Ambassador Francis was accredited as Ambassador (non-resident) to Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. When he demitted office in Jamaica, he had held the position of Dean of the Diplomatic Corps for almost two years. Ambassador Francis took an active interest in the issues before the International Seabed Authority, leading to his election to the Chairmanship of the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority in 2003.

In July 2021, he completed a three-year assignment as Chairman of the Trinidad and Tobago National Commission for UNESCO.

Ambassador Francis co-facilitated a training course entitled “Protocol and diplomacy: a guide for the modern professional” at the Diplomatic Academy of the Caribbean. As Lead Technical Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, he was intimately involved in the conceptualization process for that institution. In 2018, Ambassador Francis co-authored a book entitled Heads of Mission: A Handbook, which has received regional and international acclaim. In 2020, Ambassador Francis returned to the University of the West Indies, his alma mater, as a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of International Relations, at the St. Augustine Campus. He is a graduate of the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C. (1985).

Ambassador Francis is married to his best friend, Joy Thomas-Francis, and they have three adult sons.

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Peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability


I am proud, and at the same time humbled, to accept the nomination of the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago as its candidate for the position of President of the seventy-eighth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. It is my special privilege to have been favoured with the political endorsem*nt of my regional group, the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States (GRULAC). I deeply value the approbation of GRULAC and will work assiduously to honour it.

I now turn my attention to earning the trust, confidence and support of the wider membership in electing me as their President during the seventy-eighth session of the General Assembly. In doing so, I commit to discharging the responsibilities of the office of President with vigour and dedication to that most cherished value, multilateralism, which in large measure unites us all, even if we may not always agree on the pathway that is to bring us to our final destination. The uniqueness of multilateralism resides in the enhanced prospects and better advantages that it offers us for reaching the global consensus needed to address and often to resolve complex global challenges. Responding to those challenges is very much beyond the capacity of unilateral sovereign action.

Many have questioned the relevance and ability of multilateralism to deliver real results for effecting change in people’s lives where they matter most, namely, on the ground. Yet we keep returning to multilateralism, despite the often experienced frustrations, because of the very nature of the process itself. As a members-driven process which accords equal respect and value to each of the 193 Member States, multilateralism in the United Nations is indeed unique. The mystique of that multilateralism is such that when there is a challenge to create workable solutions, the outcome reflects more than just the position of those 193 Members States. This is the type of multilateralism we urgently need now in order to ignite the imagination, to recognize and seize possibilities and turn them into opportunities and to think and act independently of the narrow and potentially paralysing strictures governed by national interest, as global citizens protecting our global commons from irretrievable harm, dislocation and dysfunction.We need to recognize that sometimes even informed self-interest demands cooperation and coordination with others in order to eliminate exceptional common threats that may be of such extraordinary consequence as to constitute a vital interest. Scientific evidence as well as our own experiential evidence has demonstrated the negative impacts of climate change, highlighting the existential threats not merely to our lives and livelihoods, but also to planetary ecosystems and therefore to the ability of human civilization to continue to exist on this planet. And in spite of it all, we have not been able over all these years to muster “the will”, even in the face of billions of dollars worth of infrastructure loss and property damage, to take decisive, unified action, as a community battling a common and worsening threat, to save ourselves and our civilization.

Clearly, a posture of denial or procrastination is not credible, as climate action delayed will impose significant additional unanticipated costs on us all. We have fundamentally, no choice but to collaborate judiciously in confronting and transforming our current realities and to adopt formulas that offer us the best chances of overcoming the challenges at hand or, at the very least, mitigating their impact on our daily lives and livelihoods and the lives and livelihoods of whole communities, while time still permits. This is the test of our time. Will we muster the strength and courage to make bold, far-sighted transformational decisions, with effects that solidify the bases for peace, prosperity, progress and planetary sustainability? Or will we allow geopolitics to so infect our judgment as to cause us to fail to engage on behalf of the most basic of human and political instincts, namely, survival, and take decisive action to preserve the future of this planet as our natural habitat.

It is my view that the following are among the key elements of an effective Presidency : open and wide- ranging consultation, a keen ability to listen intently, transparency in decision-making, fairness, objectivity, independence, clear and effective communication with the membership and with third parties, maintenance of a posture of equidistance from all negotiating parties, adherence to the highest ethical standards and principles and a certain willingness to take risks, tempered by more than a small dose of realism. In conceptualizing the thrust of my Presidency, I have chosen “Peace, Prosperity, Progress and Sustainability” as my four watchwords, essentially because they constitute the four supreme objectives set before the international community at this juncture – objectives whose successful accomplishment would significantly halt the current trajectory of disappointment and disillusionment along which we seem to be proceeding and thus open up the possibilities of a world of boundless opportunity, in which nations and people live in harmony with each other and in harmony with nature.


The myriad complexities faced by the international community with respect to peace and security have morphed into hybrid conflicts, which have exacerbated the challenges in an already fragile global environment. In some parts of the world, where geopolitical tensions have reached levels attesting to situations of an alarming precariousness, there exists a significant deficit of trust among stakeholders. In certain theatres, nuclear tensions are being stoked on a daily basis. Peace eludes us as much without as within, as internal conflicts boil over, often unleashing widespread suffering and hardship in the context of large-scale human displacement. To reverse this current trajectory, our responses must be grounded in a more robust multilateralism and most importantly, they must be more strongly people-centred.

As part of a community of nations built on the concept of collective security, we should aspire to work together to ensure inclusivity and that all voices, whether big, small, powerful or otherwise, are heard. The abandonment or repudiation of collective security will render the world more unsafe and more insecure by triggering an arms race of an intensity never before witnessed, as individual countries seek to build up their defence capability to meet any potential threat. It is critically important, therefore, that we hold fast to the principles and values of the Charter of the United Nations and honour its pledge to succeeding generations.

The adoption by the General Assembly during its seventy-sixth session of resolution 76/262, in which the Assembly decided that any permanent member of the Security Council who used the veto pre-emptively and arbitrarily to vote down a resolution calling for urgent humanitarian action or intervention by the Council should be required to explain its behaviour to the Assembly in the context of an emergency special session convened expressly for that purpose, is an important step forward in bringing a degree of transparency to the decision to invoke the veto. As a transparency mechanism, this is a welcome innovation.

However, ongoing problems with the functioning of the Security Council; the contamination of its role by geopolitical considerations, resulting in open questions about its capacity to carry out its mandate; and the ability of a sitting Chair to orchestrate the frustration of the will of the majority of the members of the Council all point to the necessity for substantive reform of the Council, within the framework of wider United Nations reform. This conversation is ongoing and while some preliminary steps have been taken to provide greater clarity on members’ views in the context of “informals”, we are still some distance away from entering the formal negotiating phase, which will surely be arduous. There is, however, widespread acceptance among the membership of the United Nations that the Council ought to be more representative in the context of the current realities of international politics and should be made fit for purpose.

We must recognize that a state of peace is not necessarily the same as the absence of war. Peace requires an all-out commitment, including by potential disputants. It requires constant nurturing, even during times when there are no hostilities, because it is during times of peace that the human spirit challenges itself to create new vistas and possibilities, indeed, to soar to new heights. Peace is a universally coveted aspirational condition or standard that produces stability and inspires confidence – confidence as a fertilizer of economic growth and prosperity. Prosperity and Peace are therefore inextricably linked and so we need to continue to make investments in peace, as it is the bedrock of modern, stable, productive and thriving societies.

The corollary – that instability, conflict and war hold economic and social development hostage, denying people not merely the basic necessities of life but also the comforts of safety and security – is also true. Peace cannot thrive in the midst of social and economic deprivation and marginalization and will be forever under threat until inequality, discrimination, poverty, hunger and lack of access to proper health care have been meaningfully and sustainably addressed to the satisfaction of the downtrodden. Moreover, in the long term, peace cannot be guaranteed by force of arms alone. The General Assembly must therefore seek new initiatives through which to rekindle within us, both as human beings and as adherents and agents of peace, that unique spirit of conciliation and brotherhood that recommends and supports the choice of dialogue and negotiation over conflict and war. Indeed, it is in the very nature of war to ensure that even in victory, the victor loses massively.

In promoting and defending the Charter of the United Nations, it is therefore our duty as subscribers to its tenets to promote and advocate the settlement of disputes by peaceful means and therefore to repudiate force or the threat of the use of it as a legitimate means of resolving conflict. These are among the most fundamental principles of multilateralism and whenever and wherever they are cast aside or violated, the General Assembly must be vehement in its rejection of military confrontation and other forms of modern warfare, as they constitute real threats to the multilateral system itself and to international peace and security.


The pervasive impacts of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, climate change and global instability have placed an extraordinary strain on our economies and societies and have created alarming consequences for people across the globe, especially the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable. As these crises are prolonged, poverty worsens and inequality widens across the globe.

We need action, now more than ever, to reach and to help those left furthest behind, especially in those countries in special situations. The full and effective implementation of the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries, as well as the upcoming third International Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries and the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States, both to be held in 2024, will offer crucial opportunities to scale up investments towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in order to ensure that no country is left behind.

In that regard, the Sustainable Development Goals Summit during this year’s high-level week will be a defining moment, as the Summit provides the ideal opportunity for Heads of State and Government to demonstrate real commitment towards the Sustainable Development Goals, including through contributing to global development funding. Quite apart from targeting those countries in vulnerable situations, we must also find tailored solutions in addressing the fragility and other specific challenges facing countries in conflict and post-conflict situations, as well as middle-income countries.

To ensure that no one is left behind, the international community must deliberately act in fulfilment of its commitments to the means of implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development itself. The proposed convening of the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development should therefore garner the fullest attention of the General Assembly as we aim to strengthen actions towards enhancing financing, technology, debt sustainability and capacity-building to achieve sustainable development.

Globally, our efforts must be supported by a representative and enabling international economic and financial architecture which reflects and addresses the realities and needs of the United Nations membership today. The ambitious proposals put forward by the Secretary-General in his report entitled “Our Common Agenda”, including the reform of the international financial architecture, going beyond gross domestic product (GDP) and the development of the global digital compact, will require deeper deliberations and incisive decision-making by the General Assembly.


Despite the placing of poverty and hunger at the core of the Sustainable Development Goals, some projections indicate that approximately 680 million people, that is, 8 per cent of global population, will still be facing hunger in 2030. The fact is that even before the pandemic, progress towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and targets was well behind expectations and delivery with respect to the undertaking to which we collectively pledged to commit ourselves in 2015 is becoming increasingly remote. Without a quantum leap in terms of commitment and transformational action, the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular eradicating poverty and ending hunger, will be dreadfully missed.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals announced therein constituted the first-ever fully negotiated comprehensive international development strategy formally agreed between the developed North and the global South and was hailed as ushering in a new era in development cooperation. Surely, given the extent to which both parties were able to agree successfully on the key elements of the diagnosis, or “problematique”, administration of the remedies agreed cannot be beyond us.

As the premier event to be held during high-level week, the Sustainable Development Goals Summit in September of this year will be critical in setting the tone for what happens in other processes taking place within the ambit of the General Assembly. It is therefore crucial that all delegations recommit individually to re-energizing the Sustainable Development Goals process and make a robust push towards delivering them as a life-changing comprehensive package by 2030.

It is a counter-intuitive conclusion that in the twenty-first century, only half of humankind participates meaningfully in the economic and social life of society, with women and girls often being systematically denied their basic human rights in many spheres of everyday life, including, though not limited to, the right to an education, the right to seek employment, the right to receive equal pay and the right to ownership of land. Moreover, the world continues to witness an epidemic of violence against women.

More generally, fundamental human rights have come under severe attack or have been denied to both individuals and groups, based on race, religion or ethnicity or through other forms of discrimination, creating all too often a marginalized, dehumanized underclass, disallowed by society from exercising their rights as human beings and thus engendering deep-seated resentment whose culmination often takes the form of social strife and intergroup rivalry. Our efforts should be focused on investing in our children – who are our future – and ensuring that they have access to quality learning opportunities and skills development programmes, proper nutrition, health care, safe water, protection and shelter.

Based on the fact that we are all created equal and vested at birth with an innate, indivisible set of human rights, the General Assembly must redouble its efforts and double down on its rhetorical thrust to halt the insidious spread of human rights violations. In a world where there is troubling evidence of growing institutionalized discrimination, we must use our platform in the Assembly to reject repugnant and scientifically baseless notions, while leading the conversation, at various levels, on the imperatives of establishing equality, equal rights and non-discrimination as legitimate social norms and, indeed, as the building blocks for strong, cohesive and just societies.

The President of the General Assembly Fellowship Programme, in continuing to recognize the key role that young people play in the realization of our aspirations towards the achievement of sustainable development, will contribute to our progress, as this programme offers a unique opportunity to promote engagement of youth and to seek their perspectives as contributions to the solutions necessary to tackle the challenges that they face as youths.

The progress that we will therefore advocate in the Office of the President of the General Assembly, which would be consonant with the scope of the goals enumerated in the 2030 Agenda, will lift the quality of life of people in vulnerable situations everywhere and present them with the opportunity to feel empowered to pursue their individual goals and aspirations to their fullest potential, unfettered by the arbitrary imposition of unjust limitations. We must continue to strongly advocate for the full and meaningful engagement of women in all spheres, which will inevitably heighten the prospects for sustainable peace, prosperity and progress and, indeed, sustainability. Certainly, the staffing of the Office of the President of the General Assembly will respect and honour that principle.

It is therefore imperative that we intensify our efforts aimed at the revitalization of the work of the General Assembly in order to better position it to discharge its role and authority more effectively and efficiently.


Biology teaches us that a dynamic, productive human civilization such as the one we have inherited cannot survive with longevity, let alone thrive, on a polluted, overexploited planet whose natural ecosystems are damaged or teetering on the brink of collapse. When environmental limits are exceeded, there is the risk that the ensuing negative consequences may be irreversible, thereby undermining our ability to feed ourselves and to otherwise sustain future generations. Building a sustainable world, in harmony with nature, is the only means of ensuring the future viability of our planet and of our civilization. Climate change, desertification, pollution, biodiversity loss and land degradation are among the greatest challenges of our time and demand that we take collective, urgent actions to ensure the future of humanity and of the planet.

Last year’s historic recognition of the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right reinforces the belief that the General Assembly has a key role to play in protecting our global commons by boosting global efforts towards achieving greater climate action, restoring ecosystems, protecting the oceans, combating desertification and land degradation and promoting zero waste. Mindful that we are in an era of growing food insecurity, we must focus attention on the mechanics of enhancing soil and land productivity, if the planet is to support the population of 9.5 billion projected to live on it by 2050, for which another green revolution will be required. Inclusive and sustainable industrial development can play a crucial role in the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Transforming the nature of human behaviour on the planet from a mode of activity underpinned by a psychology of exploitation and mass consumption to one driven by sustainable use and sustainable management will require that humankind inevitably re-examine and recalibrate its own patterns of production and consumption of natural assets in order to ensure their responsible and sustainable use. Responsible management of those natural assets, including our global commons, means maintaining equilibria within the planet’s ecosystems so that existing species can survive and indeed flourish, thereby guaranteeing their availability for enjoyment and use by future generations. This may require us to refrain from the overconsumption of a particular resource or perhaps other materials, the presence of which imperil or harm the very survival of the resource itself, a dynamic evidenced, for example, in humankind’s widespread single use of plastics which endangers fisheries stocks in marine ecosystems and the overfishing of certain fish stocks which leads to their depletion.

We must harness the momentum and renew the hope inspired by the outcomes we achieved over the last year, including those adopted at the 2022 United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development (Second United Nations Ocean Conference), the twenty-seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The upcoming Sustainable Development Goals Summit and the Climate Ambition Summit (to be convened by the Secretary-General), both to be held in September 2023, constitute excellent platforms for the demonstration by the international community of real commitment to creating “the future we want” by scaling up transformative actions to avert the environmental crises before us so that we can steer the world back onto the path of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Let us therefore, with vision and bold progressive action, strengthen the linkages between how we live and our environment by nurturing nature and investing in maintaining and restoring the ecological balance in our planetary systems and thereby promote their long-term sustainability. In so doing, we would be safeguarding and preserving many of the environmental assets that we enjoy today for the use and enjoyment of future generations. Such intergenerational stability would go a long way towards guaranteeing the sustainable development of future generations and a standard of well-being at least one that is no different from ours.


In the coming weeks, I will continue to engage regional and other groups as we collectively collaborate to establish an atmosphere of renewed cooperation and shared commitment in addressing the many challenges before the General Assembly. I will seek to enhance current approaches and adopt new ones together with feasible solutions which will benefit all, as we endeavour to deliver, or at least to strengthen the bases for delivering, peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability in the new world of the twenty-first century, characterized by equality of opportunity for all.

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Acceptance speech by H.E. Dennis Francis
upon his election on 1 June 2023

Allow me, Mr. President, to congratulate you on your astute leadership and management of the General Assembly during the current session. Your calm demeanor and steady hands confer on our deliberations an aura of assurance and control which usually profits multilateral processes.

Today, I stand humbly before this august house of Plenipotentiaries, with immense gratitude to all 193 Member States for the confidence they have reposed in me as I prepare to serve as President of the seventy-eighth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, an undertaking that is both an honour and a privilege. I have been overwhelmed and yet, at the same time, buoyed by the extraordinary demonstrations of support, solidarity and goodwill that have consistently accompanied me on this journey over recent months. My heart is truly full, even as I remain keenly aware that being called to serve as President of the Assembly entails a weighty responsibility.

It is often said that education is the great liberator, lifting people up the social and economic ladder and strengthening society in the process. Not only is that assessment valid. it is also a truism. I exemplify that pattern, having over the course of my career repeatedly found myself in places where I was called upon to assume onerous responsibilities.

Such experiences would never have materialized had I not had great parents who appreciated the extraordinary power and potential of education and, further, had I not been part of a generation that benefited from an enlightened government policy which challenged and democratized the colonial practice whereby an education was, under State policy, reserved exclusively for the privileged, that is, only those with the means to acquire it.

Therefore, when, in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, we postpone or neglect to offer support to millions the world over who lack access to quality education, aren’t we consigning them facelessly to an intergenerational cycle of poverty, degradation and misery, from which they are hardly likely to break free? It seems to me that the more pragmatic choice would be to do all that we can materially to save those children and young people from near certain defeat – a defeat of circ*mstance – by affording them, through education, the option of choice and thus the capacity to self-actualize, to their own benefit and that of their communities and societies.

I find this to be a compelling argument for an all-out effort, come the forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals Summit, to recommit and re-energize action to complete and deliver the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals and the empowerment of people everywhere through the removal of the shackles that constrain their growth and independence and deny them any possibility of creating their own success. The pursuit of policies that support and encourage investing in people and therefore in the creation of social capital in the medium to long term is inarguably among the most effective strategies for promoting and achieving sustainable development.

It is education that brought me to this place and, ultimately, to this podium and I am so proud and gratified to have been born in a country, Trinidad and Tobago, that for almost 70 years has assigned the highest value to education. Allow me, therefore, to express my profound appreciation to my Minister, Senator the Honourable Dr. Amery Browne, and through him to the Government and People of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, for believing me worthy of shouldering this awesome responsibility as President of the seventy-eighth session of the General Assembly.

Over the 40 odd years of my career as a diplomat, it never once occurred to me that I would find myself seated as President of the General Assembly but as I look back, it was my good fortune to have been schooled by some of the finest and most accomplished diplomats that Trinidad and Tobago has ever produced. foremost among them being the late Mr. Lennox Fitzroy Ballah, former Head of the Foreign Service of Trinidad and Tobago, a brilliant international lawyer and former member of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, who tutored and indeed mentored several generations of professional foreign service officers, insisting that the target must always be excellence. I pay tribute to him and to several other distinguished masters of diplomacy, whose dedication and work have left an indelible mark on Trinidad and Tobago.

I am ever conscious of the sensitivity and weight of responsibility that serving as President of this General Assembly imposes on the incumbent. In this regard, I commit to discharge the responsibilities of the office with transparency, accountability, vigour and dedication, bearing in mind that all members have the same rights.

Upon the admission of Trinidad and Tobagoto membership in the United Nations in 1962, Sir Ellis Clarke, our first Permanent Representative, in making a comparison between our population and that of the international community, affirmed that “[w]e have, however, developed in our society tolerance, camaraderie, respect for the rights of others, an unswerving opposition to oppression, injustice and racial discrimination, a love of liberty, a supreme faith in the dignity and worth of the human person, and belief in the value of co-operation”. These principles will form the basis of my actions as President of the General Assembly.

I will prioritize encouraging and facilitating meaningful dialogue, in various formats, in order to ensure that there is clarity of priorities and the strengthening of common purpose in the interest of coherence. It is my hope to bring forward, with your help and support, a renewed atmosphere of conciliation, cooperation and shared commitment in addressing the many challenges and seizing every opportunity, however inchoate, before the General Assembly. I will seek to enhance current approaches and adopt new ones with feasible solutions, as we endeavour to deliver, or at least to strengthen the bases for delivering, Peace, Prosperity, Progress and Sustainability.

I count on your support during the impending session and call for your fulsome engagement, in good faith, as we purposively accelerate our action towards the achievement of sustainable development for the benefit of all.

Permit me to end on a personal note by expressing my special thanks to my hardworking staff at the Mission whose exceptional devotion to duty and professionalism is a matter of great personal pride and satisfaction.

I should also like to thank my six siblings for their unstinting love and loyalty, and who, I know, will say to me, “Don’t think you’re the President here – you are still the last.” I nevertheless thank them for a lifetime of support and for being here with me today, either in person or virtually, to share in this moment of jubilation. I thank also my lifelong friends from the Class of 1973 of Woodbrook Secondary School, whose genuine friendship and love I can never get too much of. And finally, my grateful thanks to my dear wife Joy, whose smile lights up my day, every day, and whose love, support and encouragement contributed in no small way to making this day possible.

Finally, I share with you a recent discovery: the Latin translation of the words “All Glory to God” is Soli Deo Gloria-SDG. Perhaps more than a coincidence.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.