Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower Recipe - Belly Full (2024)

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Published: March 20, 2014Updated: August 30, 2021Author: Amy

Sweet cauliflower tossed in olive oil, garlic, thyme, and Parmesan cheese, then cooked until tender and golden. Roasted Cauliflower is a simple side dish with fantastic results and goes with just about everything!

Looking for more cauliflower recipes? Don’t miss our Roasted Cauliflower Parmesan, Mashed Cauliflower, and Cauliflower Curry Rice.

Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower Recipe - Belly Full (1)

Easy Oven Roasted Cauliflower

Ah, roasted cauliflower. I’m in love with this stuff! It’s seriously like candy to me. Well, not quite. But close!

Sometimes I’ll throw this together and eat it for lunch – nothing else with it. Roasted (and grilled) vegetables are just the best.

This recipe for Roasted Cauliflower couldn’t be easier, too. You only need cauliflower, olive oil, garlic, thyme, Parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper. You could also sprinkle additional seasonings on your cauliflower, but I just love it simple. Roasting vegetables brings out the absolute best flavor – they really don’t need anything else.

Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower Recipe - Belly Full (2)

Roasted Cauliflower Recipe

Here’s what you’ll need:
(Scroll below to the printable recipe card for details and measurements.)

  • Cauliflower: A whole head of fresh cauliflower, cut into small florets. If you’re in a crunch for time, some markets even sell it pre-cut.
  • Extra-virgin olive oil: This will give the dish some moisture and richness.
  • Garlic: Peeled and smashed, so buy it fresh.
  • Thyme: Fresh thyme sprigs are ideal. Skip the dried herbs for this recipe.
  • Seasoning: Simple salt and pepper, to taste
  • Parmesan: Freshly grated Parmesan cheese off the block. Skip the pre-grated kind in the plastic tub.

How to Roast Cauliflower

Here are a few tips to ensure your cauliflower is roasted perfectly!
(Don’t miss the detailed printable recipe card below and the video.)

  • Cut the florets into medium-sized florets.Too small and they’ll burn.
  • Make sure the florets are uniform in size.Making sure they’ll all the same size, allows them to cook the same.
  • Place them onto the baking sheet in a single layer.Vegetables let off moisture as they cook and if they’re piled on top of one another they will steam and not roast.
  • Toss halfway through cooking.This allows the florets to roast evenly and brown on all sides.
  • What temperature to roast cauliflower? Roast at 425 degrees F. High heat is best!
  • How long to roast cauliflower? Roast until the cauliflower is tender and slightly crisp, about 25 minutes at 425. Don’t over-cook the florets or they’ll be mushy and fall apart. You want them to be al dente and nicely browned around the edges – the charred pieces are the most delish!
Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower Recipe - Belly Full (3)

What to Serve with Cauliflower

Our roasted cauliflower recipe is perfect any time of year. Serve it with one of the following for a complete meal:

  • Skillet Steak
  • Honey Garlic Chicken
  • Baked Chicken Breast
  • Air Fryer Pork Chops

How to Make Roasted Cauliflower – Video

More Roasted Vegetables:

  • The Best Roasted Broccoli
  • Roasted Green Beans
  • Roasted Eggplant and Cherry Tomatoes
  • Rosted Parmesan Creamed Onions

I hope you love this delicious and simple recipe – be sure to give it a review below! Also don’t forget to follow Belly Full onFacebook,Instagram,Pinterest, andYouTube!

Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower Recipe - Belly Full (4)

Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower

Roasted Cauliflower is a simple side with fantastic results! Sweet cauliflower tossed with seasonings and Parmesan, then roasted until tender and golden.

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Prep Time 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time 25 minutes minutes

Total Time 35 minutes minutes

Servings: 4


  • 1 head cauliflower , cut into florets about 1 1/2 inches each
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic , peeled and smashed
  • 4 sprigs fresh thyme
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

  • Toss florets on a large rimmed baking sheet with the olive oil, garlic, and thyme until coated; season with salt and pepper.

  • Roast for 15 minutes, tossing once until almost tender. Sprinkle with the Parmesan and toss to combine; roast for an additional 10 minutes, tossing once more, until fork tender and golden.

  • Serve immediately.



Calories: 170kcal | Carbohydrates: 8g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 13g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 7mg | Sodium: 171mg | Potassium: 452mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 120IU | Vitamin C: 71.9mg | Calcium: 134mg | Iron: 1mg

Nutritional information given is an automatic calculation and can vary based on the exact products you use and any changes you make to the recipe. If these numbers are very important to you, I would recommend calculating them yourself.

Other Notes

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: American

Keyword: roasted cauliflower

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Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower Recipe - Belly Full (5)
Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower Recipe - Belly Full (2024)


Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower Recipe - Belly Full? ›

Toss florets on a large rimmed baking sheet with the olive oil, garlic, and thyme until coated; season with salt and pepper. Roast for 15 minutes, tossing once until almost tender. Sprinkle with the Parmesan and toss to combine; roast for an additional 10 minutes, tossing once more, until fork tender and golden.

Why do you soak cauliflower before cooking? ›

This process – which should last 10-20 minutes - destroys several microbes and large parasites. As cauliflower is highly susceptible to microbial attacks, it should be washed once again. This time, boil some water and put the cauliflower florets in it. Keep for five minutes and remove from the hot water.

Why is my roasted cauliflower tough? ›

Undercooking It. Overcooking is bad, but undercooking cauliflower is an equally off-putting problem. "When making cauliflower steaks or roasting florets, if you don't roast it in the oven long enough it will be warm but still hard and unenjoyable to eat," says Michalczyk.

How do you keep cauliflower from getting soggy? ›

If you cut all the way through the floret, you're cutting through the cell structure of the curd — and when you cook it, that part will get mushy. Easier still: Place the larger florets on a baking sheet, sprinkle with a little olive oil and roast them. Michael Marks is the marketing manager for FreshPoint.

Why is my cauliflower mushy? ›

First, take care not to overcrowd your pan; if the cauliflower is packed in rim-to-rim, the moisture will not be able to escape as the florets cook, which will result in soft steamed cauliflower instead of roasted. Next, don't be overly generous with the oil — a light coating is what we're after here.

How long should cauliflower soak? ›

Drop the whole cauliflower head upside-down into cool, salted water. Let it soak for 10 to 15 minutes to remove dirt, residue and bugs. Drain and rinse.

What will adding lemon juice to the water for cooking cauliflower do? ›

Food Science

Cauliflower contains some phytonutrients, these nutrients may react with iron cookware and gives the cauliflower a brownish color. To prevent this add some lemon juice to the cauliflower or to the water in which it is blanched.

Why does cooked cauliflower hurt my stomach? ›

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower contain high levels of insoluble fiber, which can quickly lead to digestive upset, especially when consumed raw. Symptoms can include bloating, gas and cramping.

Does cauliflower need to be washed before roasting? ›

Caramelization is the key to giving the roasted cauliflower flavor. Give all the florets a thorough rinse in a colander. Shake them dry. Spread the florets out in an even layer on the baking sheet.

What does baking soda do to cauliflower? ›

Baking soda is often used as a natural cleaning agent, and it can be used to brighten up your veggies too. Sprinkle a little in the water before boiling to prevent cauliflower from yellowing and make corn look more vibrant.

Why is my roasted cauliflower soft? ›

QUICK COOKING TIP: Be careful how much olive oil you use when roasting cauliflower. The cauliflower florets tend to absorb a lot of the oil when you pour it over them and I have seen so many people add way too much oil. If there is too much, the cauliflower tends to turn mushy. Nobody likes mushy roasted cauliflower.

Can you cook cauliflower too long? ›

The general rule of thumb is about 20 minutes. Cauliflower that is overcooked will lose up to 50% of its vitamins and minerals. If you want a healthy meal, cook it for just a few minutes less.

Do you need to soak cauliflower in salt water? ›

Let sit 5-10 minutes, remove, rinse, and eat as you please. The salt in the water helps to kill the bugs and encourage them to let go. It also might kill some surface contamination if it exists, but this isn't really the point. You should see bugs either floating or at the bottom when you remove the cauliflower.

What's the black stuff on cauliflower? ›

But recently, I found out those spots aren't mold at all. They're the result of oxidation. “The spots that you see on cauliflower are typically areas where the vegetable has started to age and oxidize, which can occur due to exposure to air and light,” explained Norah Clark, a chef and registered dietitian.

How do you clean cauliflower before roasting? ›

Cut the florets of Cauliflower or Broccoli and soak them in bowl of water with 2 table spoons of salt. Soak them for 5 minutes and drain. Rinse the florets with tap water a couple of times.

How do you know if cauliflower is overcooked? ›

Like all brassicas, cauliflower smells very unpleasant if overcooked, so brief cooking is essential.

Should I soak cauliflower in salt water? ›

Next, transfer the florets to a colander and place them under running water to wash off the dirt and bigger bugs. After this, it is suggested to blanch them in salt water to kill bacteria and parasites for 10–20 minutes.

How do you soak cauliflower? ›

Steps for cleaning cauliflower:

Take all the floret halves and place them into a water-filled bowl / pan. Move around the florets; allow the florets to soak in the bowl / pan for five minutes.

Is it OK to soak cauliflower in water? ›

Broccoli and Cauliflower

Get your cruciferous veggies squeaky clean by filling a sink with cold water and then soaking them for a few minutes. Then, gently lift them out of the water, place in a colander and rinse again under a stream of more cold water.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.