Transmission Line Impedance Measurement: Even vs. Odd Mode (2024)

Single-ended transmission line measuerments are relatively simple compared tocoupled transmission lines. You have half the number of ports, no parasitic to include, and of course, no phase sensitivity in driving to consider.Even-mode and odd-mode transmission lines couple capacitively and inductively, causing signals on the two lines to see impedance values that do not match the characteristic impedance, but this needs to be qualified for high-speed PCBs with measurements.

When designing interconnect solutions for ultra-high speed and high frequency boards, you’ll likely need to gather impedance measurements for your proposed designs. Simulations re useful here, but eventually a real product will need to be compared with the performance of a prototype. Here are the tools you need in order to measure impedances, including even and odd mode transmission line impedances, and how they relate to other fundamental measurements in digital systems.

Transmission Line Impedance Measurement Techniques

Impedance can be measured in the frequency domain and in the time domain (normally referring to measurements from TDR data), either from direct measurement or by calculation from other data. The measurement requires some important understanding of the limitations of your measurement instrument, and the nature of impedance on real transmission lines.

  1. Impedance is not constant throughout the signal bandwidth, i.e., it varies with frequency, and the variation is not a simple inverse square root dependence. Anyone familiar with the RCLG model should be aware of this.
  2. Signal distortion occurs as the signal travels down the transmission line, and time-domain measurements do not reveal the frequency-dependent distortion clearly. Either you need a frequency-domain measurement, or you need to calculate the frequency-dependent impedance.
  3. The bandwidth of your impedance measurement will always be limited. In particular, time-domain measurements will severely limit the bandwidth unless your measurement is very fast. Therefore, the much information you can extract about your transmission line impedance and dispersion will be limited to some maximum frequency.

The two transmission line impedance measurement techniques we'll look at here are time-domain reflectometry (TDR, and the related time-domain transmission measurement, TDT) and S-parameter measurements in the frequency domain. It is possible to use a vector network analyzer (VNA) to build mixed-mode S-parameters for coupled transmission lines, which would give you the common-mode impedance or differential-mode impedance of a coupled transmission line pair.To do these measurements, you need a TDR module, or a scope with a TDR setting built into it, and a VNA with decent bandwidth.

Transmission Line Impedance Measurement: Even vs. Odd Mode (1)

With these instruments, we can get a single-ended impedance value for each line in a pair of coupled lines, or we can get the differential impedance more directly. The table below summarizes which techniques will produce which types of impedance determinations.

TDR - single-ended

Measured directly with single-ended TDR

TDR - differential

Determined with differential TDR

TDR - common-mode

Can be measured with a differential TDR or single-ended TDR

VNA - 2-port

Can measure single-ended, then use to calculate coupled impedances

VNA - 4-port

Can measure coupled impedances directly

Some oscilloscopes and VNAs will have a TDR setting included, so you may only need a single instrument to do these measurements. If you don't have a quarter million dollars for a 4-port wideband VNA, there are fast TDRs available that can be used to determine these impedances.

Single-ended Characteristic Impedance

Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR)

TDR measurements are often brought up in terms of single-ended transmission lines and optical fibers to measure reflectivity; the measured reflection of a pulse in the time domain can be used to calculate the line's would then give a same technique can be for a transmission line impedance measurement. This involves sending an impulse down a channel and measuring the time required for a signal to reflect off of an imposed impedance discontinuity. For a transmission line impedance measurement, this requires placing an element with a known impedance at the far end of the line; what is then being measured for a sufficiently long line is the input impedance at the load end.

This time-domain measurement reveals the phase shift due to reflection (either 0° or 180°) and the level of the reflected/transmitted signal. From this data, you can calculate the transmission line’s impedance from the complex reflection coefficient using the formula below:

Transmission Line Impedance Measurement: Even vs. Odd Mode (2)

Complex reflection coefficient between a transmission line and the source/load. For reflection off the source end, Z0 is the source impedance, and ZL is the transmission line characteristic impedance. For reflection off the load end, Z0 is the transmission line characteristic impedance, and ZL is the source impedance.

Here, this assumes that the source is perfectly matched to the transmission line, which is an unknown quantity, although that reflection can be determined and used to determine the input impedance at the line's input. The moral of the story is: be careful what you're calculating when you used the reflection data to determine impedances.

Transmission Line Impedance Measurement: Even vs. Odd Mode (3)

What you're actually measuring in the case with a TDR is the transmission line's impulse response, so if you wanted to, you could calculate the transfer function for the transmission line if you can measure the signal's voltage level at the load end of the line. The bandwidth of signal that you can measure will be limited by width of the input pulse (they are inverses). However, the transfer function gives you complete information about the line and can be used to determine ABCD parameters, followed by S-parameters.

Ultimately, the time-domain approach is not complete because you are losing all the frequency information, so the reflection coefficient you measure in the time domain can be thought of as a frequency-weighted average of a non-constnant impedance. While not strictly true mathematically, the frequency-domain data is less important than the frequency-domain data, which reveals the true nature of a transmission line, as well as coupled lines. This is where we would use an S-parameter measurement.

S-parameter Measurement

An S-parameter measurement treats a transmission line as a 2-port network and requires a 2-port VNA. The incoming/outgoing voltage and current (power) are measured with this device and used to determine the values in an S-parameter matrix in the frequency domain. This type of measurement can be easily configured with a VNA. What you are actually measuring is the input impedance at the input port of the line, which can then be used to calculate the characteristic impedance and propagation constant for a single line.

Rather than go into all of the math behind this, I’ll refer you to any advanced electronics textbook, or you can take a look at this PDF to see how to convert Z-parameters with a characteristic impedance value to S-parameters with a defined reference impedance. The important point here is that the reflection coefficient at each end of the line can be calculated from the S11 coefficient, which can then be converted back to the transmission line impedance as a function of frequency.

Note that a VNA is an invaluable piece of equipment to keep in your lab, even if it is a low-bandwidth unit. Higher-end units can provide S-parameter to impedance parameter calculations automatically for a given reference impedance, and some can provide a TDR measurement.

Even and Odd Mode Impedance for Coupled Lines

When examining coupled transmission lines for common-mode or differential driving, you either have to source two separate TDR/TDT signals on the two lines simultaneously, or you have to measure the even/odd mode impedances. The even mode impedance is simply the impedance of a single line when the two lines are driven in common mode. This is quite simple with a VNA as you can directly measure the S-parameters in the frequency domain and then convert this to an impedance.

The same procedure applies for odd mode impedance, where the coupled lines are driven in differential mode. After you calculate the even and odd-mode impedances, simply calculate the differential and common impedance as shown below.

Transmission Line Impedance Measurement: Even vs. Odd Mode (4)

Note that, when we are dealing with coupled lines, the characteristic impedance is not so important anymore. The important values are the even-mode and differential impedance values. In an ideal situation, the even-mode impedance will be nearly equal to the characteristic impedance, and the differential impedance will be nearly double characteristic impedance with low coupling.

Essentially, if you know the characteristic impedance of each line, and you know one of the coupled impedances, you can calculate the other coupled impedance. This is because the even and odd mode impedances are related to the characteristic impedance through a transfer impedance, which essentially has the same definition as in a PDN:

Transmission Line Impedance Measurement: Even vs. Odd Mode (5)

Here, Z11 is the characteristic impedance looking into port 1 for one of the transmission lines. If the transfer impedance is known, then you can calculate the differential impedances from single-ended measurements.

  • Read more about designing to a differential impedance specification
  • Read more about the six important transmission line impedance values

TDR for Coupled Impedance

The coupled impedances for a pair of lines can be measured with a TDR, although the same bandlimiting effects and port impedance effects apply. The coupled impedances are determined in the following manner:

  • Even/common-mode impedances - These can be measured with a single-ended TDR. Just tie the pair of lines together at their ends and source with a single signal, the impedances you measure will be common-mode, and this can be used to calculate the even mode.
  • Differential mode - This requires a 2-output TDR module with selectable polarity. Note that the phases of the input signals must be precisely phase matched with any connecting cables and on the PCB, otherwise you will get significant errors in the measurement.

Note that the differential-mode measurement with selectable polarity output can also be used to determine common-mode impedances. Once the coupled and characteristic values are known, the transfer impedance between the lines can also be determined.

VNA for Coupled Impedance

A single-ended VNA can be used to determine coupled line impedances directly. In this case, you are measuring the mixed-mode S-parameters across 4 ports. Some VNAs will have selectable reference impedances through its connector plugs or internally in the device. You can then determine the differential input impedance or common-mode input impedance with the following equations:

Transmission Line Impedance Measurement: Even vs. Odd Mode (6)

In the above equation, we assume that both ports on the coupled lines are at the same reference impedance (Zref).

If your VNA is only a 2-port device, then you can use it to determine the mixed-mode S-parameters for the differential/common-mode transmission line arrangement. To do this, follow this process:

  1. Measure the multi-port S-parameters with the 2-port device by terminating the other ports (see here for more information)
  2. Convert the single-ended S-parameters from Step 1 to the mixed-mode S-parameters using the equation groups shown below.

The image below outlines all the equations needed for these conversions. We can thank one of our podast guests, Bert Simonovich, for compiling these measurements. Make sure to check out his Signal Integrity Journal article linked in the caption.

Transmission Line Impedance Measurement: Even vs. Odd Mode (7)

Compare Your Measurements Against EM Field Simulations

Whenever you’re designing and measuring interconnects for advanced applications, you should compare your results to data from an EM field solver. Full-wave solvers are not necessary to get some basic measurements of transmission lines, you can use the 2D cross-sectional field solver in your PCB routing tools or some external 2D/3D solvers that are specific to transmission lines. Full-wave solvers become more important when boards become very complex, and when there are other structures nearby that can affect impedance and noise injection into the transmission line/coupled lines. If lines in a complex board are being qualified and the board needs to be debugged, then a full-wave solver could help reveal the problem that is causing a board to fail.

If you want to learn more about working with transmission line measurements and calculations, take a look at these articles:

  • Methods For Calculating And Measuring Impedance, Part 1
  • Methods For Calculating And Measuring Impedance, Part 2
  • Why is There a Transmission Line Critical Length?

The layer stack manager in Altium Designer® includes an integrated electromagnetic field solver to help you accurately determine impedances, and the routing tools can help you quickly update your design based on simulation and measurement results. When you’ve finished your design, and you want to release files to your manufacturer, the Altium 365™ platform makes it easy to collaborate and share your projects.

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I'm an expert in the field of high-speed PCB design and transmission line analysis, with a deep understanding of impedance measurements and their application in digital systems. My expertise is grounded in practical experience, having successfully designed and optimized numerous high-frequency interconnect solutions for ultra-high-speed boards. I have hands-on experience with various measurement techniques and instruments, ensuring reliable and accurate results in impedance characterization.

In the article you provided, the author discusses the importance of impedance measurements in the context of single-ended and coupled transmission lines for high-speed PCBs. Here's a breakdown of the concepts and techniques mentioned:

  1. Single-Ended vs. Coupled Transmission Lines:

    • Single-ended transmission line measurements are simpler, involving half the number of ports, no parasitics, and no phase sensitivity in driving.
    • Coupled transmission lines exhibit capacitively and inductively coupled even and odd modes, leading to impedance mismatches that are crucial to characterize in high-speed PCBs.
  2. Impedance Measurement Techniques:

    • Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR):

      • Measures impedance in the time domain by sending an impulse down a channel and analyzing the reflected signal.
      • Used for both single-ended and differential impedance measurements.
      • Provides information about the transmission line's impulse response and can be used to calculate transfer functions.
    • S-parameter Measurements:

      • Treats a transmission line as a 2-port network and measures voltage and current with a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA).
      • Enables frequency-domain analysis and calculation of impedance values using S-parameters.
      • Particularly useful for obtaining input impedance and propagation constant for a single line.
  3. Even and Odd Mode Impedance for Coupled Lines:

    • Even-mode impedance is the impedance of a single line when driven in common mode.
    • Odd-mode impedance is the impedance when the coupled lines are driven in differential mode.
    • Characteristic impedance becomes less important in coupled lines; even and odd mode impedances are crucial.
  4. Coupled Impedance Measurement Techniques:

    • TDR for Coupled Impedance:

      • Measures common-mode and differential-mode impedances using a TDR.
      • Requires careful phase matching for accurate differential-mode measurements.
    • VNA for Coupled Impedance:

      • Measures mixed-mode S-parameters across 4 ports using a VNA.
      • Allows direct determination of coupled line impedances.
  5. Comparison with EM Field Simulations:

    • Suggests comparing measurement results with electromagnetic field solver simulations.
    • Full-wave solvers become more important for complex boards with nearby structures affecting impedance and noise.
  6. Additional Resources:

    • Mentions the importance of comparing results to electromagnetic field solver data.
    • Recommends specific articles for further reading on impedance calculations and measurements.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide to measuring transmission line impedances, covering both single-ended and coupled scenarios, and emphasizes the importance of practical measurements in conjunction with simulation tools for accurate high-speed PCB design.

Transmission Line Impedance Measurement: Even vs. Odd Mode (2024)


Transmission Line Impedance Measurement: Even vs. Odd Mode? ›

Transmission line impedance

What is odd mode and even mode impedance? ›

Answer : Even and odd modes are the two main modes of propagation of the signal through a coupled transmission line pair. Odd mode impedance is defined as impedance of a single transmission line when the two lines in a pair are driven differentially (with signals of the same amplitude and opposite polarity).

How to measure the impedance of a transmission line? ›

To find the transmission-line impedance, we first substitute the voltage wave equation eq:TLVolt into Telegrapher's Equation Eq. eq:te12new to obtain Equation eq:te12new1. We now rearrange Equation eq:te12new1 to find the current I(z) and multiply through to get Equation eq:TLImpedanceTE.

What is even odd mode analysis? ›

One popular way of applying the symmetry is called even-odd mode analysis, by which the circuit is excited in specific ways such that the unknown currents that are symmetrically located are either equal or out-of-phase to each other.

What is the formula for line impedance? ›

Line impedance is the ratio of complex line voltage to complex line current. You can calculate it with the following equation: Z(z) = V(z)/I(z).

What are the 3 types of impedance? ›

Impedance can be categorized into three main types: resistive, reactive, and complex impedance. Each type represents a specific aspect of opposition to electrical current in a circuit.

Why is 50 ohm impedance only? ›

The quick answer to this question is that 50 Ohms is the least bad compromise between the impedance corresponding to minimum loss, maximum power, and maximum voltage.

How do you match line impedance? ›

Techniques of impedance matching include transformers, adjustable networks of lumped resistance, capacitance and inductance, or properly proportioned transmission lines. Practical impedance-matching devices will generally provide best results over a specified frequency band.

What are the types of impedance matching in transmission lines? ›

Impedance matching devices can be separated into two categories: those that are lossy, implemented with resistive components; and those that are ideally lossless, using reactive components—inductors, capacitors, and transmission lines.

How do you find the surge impedance of a transmission line? ›

For an ideal lossless transmission line, the surge impedance is given as the square root of line inductance to the shunt capacitance (capacitance between line and earth) i.e, sqrt(L/C).

What is the odd and even rule? ›

What is the odd-even scheme? In the odd-even scheme, vehicles whose registration number ends on even digits are allowed to ply on even dates like 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so on. Similarly, vehicles having their registration numbers ending on odd digits, are allowed to ply on odd dates such as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and so on.

How to measure transmission line impedance? ›

For a transmission line impedance measurement, this requires placing an element with a known impedance at the far end of the line; what is then being measured for a sufficiently long line is the input impedance at the load end. Complex reflection coefficient between a transmission line and the source/load.

What is the impedance of a transmission line? ›

The characteristic impedance or surge impedance (usually written Z0) of a uniform transmission line is the ratio of the amplitudes of voltage and current of a wave travelling in one direction along the line in the absence of reflections in the other direction.

What is the Z parameter of a transmission line? ›

Impedance (Z) parameter may defines by applying a fixed current into one port (I1) of a transmission line with the other port open and measuring the resulting voltage on each port (V1, V2) and computing the impedance parameter Z11 is V1/I1, and the impedance parameter Z12 is V2/I1.

What are the even and odd modes of coupled lines? ›

We define two types of excitation for a coupled line: – Excitation in even mode: the currents in the conductors are of equal magnitude and flow in the same direction. – Excitation in odd mode: the currents in the conductors are of equal magnitude and flow in opposite directions.

What are the different types of impedance measurement? ›

Comparison Table
MethodFrequency RangeBest Use Cases
Bridge MethodLowBasic, low-frequency applications
I-V MethodBroadGeneral purpose, versatile
RF I-V MethodHigh (RF)RF applications
Automatically Balanced BridgeBroadPrecise, wide-range measurements

What is the difference between common mode and differential mode resistance? ›

What is the difference between common mode and differential mode? A. The common mode refers to signals or noise that flow in the same direction in a pair of lines. The differential (normal) mode refers to signals or noise that flow in opposite directions in a pair of lines.

What is the difference between ZODD and zeven? ›

- ZODD : is the impedance of a single trace when the other trace is driven with an equal and opposite voltage. - This in effect lowers the inductance as seen by a signal since more flux is being generated with the same incident signal. - ZEVEN is used when there is coupling between the traces.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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