Travel with Kids: A Family-Friendly Puerto Rico Itinerary (2024)

When my mom mentioned retirement, she also brought up taking a trip with the whole family – including six kids ages 6 through 13. She wanted to go somewhere warm, on the ocean, safe, no passports needed with plenty of activities for all ages. After some research and discussion, we were going to celebrate her retirement from 50 years of cutting hair with a 14-person trip to Puerto Rico.

The vacation was absolutely epic and I immediately looked forward to sharing our experiences here on the blog since we found it hard to locate details about so many parts of Puerto Rico, especially when it came to visiting with children. So here it is – our 5-day itinerary with tips, details, and suggestions to consider when planning your adventure to Puerto Rico with kids in tow.

Travel with Kids: A Family-Friendly Puerto Rico Itinerary (1)

General Info
Puerto Rico is an island and U.S. territory located in the Caribbean on the Atlantic Ocean. It hosts 300 miles of beaches, three of the world’s five bioluminescent bays, the second longest zipline in the world, beautiful views, incredible sunsets, and the only tropical rainforest in America. The official languages of Puerto Rico are English and Spanish and their currency is U.S. dollar. There is no passport needed for United States citizens to visit Puerto Rico and the best months to visit are mid-April through June (winter is busy, summer is rainy, fall is hurricane season).

Direct and non-stop flights area available to Puerto Rico from major U.S. cities, but price definitely prevented us from choosing that option. We were traveling from MSP to SJU –the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport in San Juan – and wound up choosing a Delta flight after a rescheduling debacle with JetBlue.

If you can get a window seat, do it. The views over Puerto Rico are beautiful. Our flights took us to New York and then SJU with a total travel time (with layover) of 7 hours. The way back was a similar time but the layover was in Atlanta.

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Before we got too far into planning our trip, we wanted to make sure we could find a place that could hold all 14 of us and meet most of the criteria. We wound up renting this beautiful VRBO on the ocean. It was located in Loiza, a very local and smaller town 30 minutes from the airport and about 45 minutes east of San Juan and 25 minutes west of Luquillo Beach. The house was spectacular – with a beach out the door, a pool (that got used more than the ocean), plenty of bedrooms, seating, and space for 14 people to not be on top of each other. And because the weather is always beautiful, we spent most of our time at the house on the patio…because that is so not a Minnesota-in-March thing to do. Jacob the owner was super cool and works very hard to help build up his community and its people.

Airbnb and VRBO offer plenty of options for lodging for larger parties. If you have a smaller group, you might want to consider doing an all-inclusive or hotel/resort closer to San Juan or near Luquillo Beach, depending on what your plans are. Discover Puerto Rico suggests these family-friendly resorts if you are looking to just keep it simple. Also, groceries – our house offered shopping and delivery for a fee, but their local markets DO have free order and pickup if that’s something you’re interested in doing. Order your groceries a couple days before your arrival and swing by to grab them when your plane lands. The Pueblo Supermarket is 8 minutes from SJU and offers pickup service.

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Hot Tip: RENT A CAR.
The island is spread out and even though we stuck to one fraction of the island, getting from A to B would not have been an easy feat without a rental car. Unless you’re staying directly in San Juan the entire time, I would definitely rent a car. We rented from Enterprise right at the airport. It was convenient, quick, and we got the minivan we hoped for (I know we’re cool. You don’t have to tell me.) RideShare options are not available once you leave the main city and driving is just like at home, except gas prices are listed by the liter – not the gallon.

Whenever we drove from spot to spot, my husband insisted we try to do the ocean view road instead of the main interstate. Usually the travel time was relatively equal, so why not see turquoise waters out your window, right? The roads were mostly good, albeit bumpy and sometimes quite narrow. Look for “speed humps” when in more rural areas, and yes, you will likely see stray cats, dogs, horses, cows, and chickens on your ventures. While it was hard to see dogs and cats wandering the cities, we actually saw less than I expected and Puerto Rico has many rescues and efforts in place to help protect and save these animals.

So…how did we spend our days in Puerto Rico? Here’s the breakdown:

  • Luquillo Beach and Bioluminescent Bay
  • Old San Juan
  • Zip Lining at Toro Verde Adventure Park
  • Catamaran and Snorkeling Vieques
  • El Yunque Rainforest

Day One: Luquillo Beach and Bioluminescent Bay

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Luquillo Beach
Exhausted from travel, we wanted our first full day to be relaxing. And what says relaxation more than a day at the beach? With its calm turquoise waters and plentiful palm trees, Luquillo Beach is an easy win for families – especially with its food kiosks and local vendors. We visited Luquillo twice on our trip actually. The first time we parked further west than the main beach entrance and was directly in front of the strip of food and shopping kiosks. While the beach area here was not as beautiful, it was fun to be close to the row of vendors (and we saw a giant iguana cross through the parking lot and met a parrot named Todos who happily charged us for photos with the kids).

The kiosks were ok. We found it a little difficult to decide on food for all ages, but the variety was nice. The highlights were the empanadas, the homemade tacos, the drink-in-a-pineapple, and the fact that you could walk the kiosk strip with a Medalla Light (the local lager – a super delightful treat for basic beer lovers). We wound up grabbing food from different places and hunkered down at a large table in the back of one of the kiosks. The general vibe felt a bit chaotic, honestly. But we found some cute souvenirs and definitely enjoyed the beach time.

We noticed a lot of islanders don’t show up to the beach (or anywhere, for that matter) earlier than noon, but that’s wise because the hottest part of the day is around 3pm (we were here late March). So you can choose – go early for an emptier beach but not as much heat or go later for a busier beach and tons of sun.

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Travel with Kids: A Family-Friendly Puerto Rico Itinerary (13)
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The second visit to the beach we went to the main beach (parking was $4/car), also called La Monserrate Beach, on a Sunday. Yes, it was busy. But no, it was not annoyingly busy. The walk from the lot was easy enough and between 12 of us, we were able to carry our beach chairs, towels, sand toys, sunscreen, life jackets, and beach bags. We did not need water shoes at Luquillo and didn’t see a lot of people snorkeling in the main beach area The highlight was the concession stand right on the main beach where my newly-retired mother bought everyone strawberry smoothies (kids) and piña coladas (adults). They even came with a cute drink umbrella!

Everywhere seemed to accept credit cards (but bring change and hand sanitizer for the bathroom) and all the people on the beach were friendly and considerate of space and belongings. The water was warm too, which was just a lovely bonus. Do note that riptides can be a thing at all beaches along the north coast and the beaches are marked with colored flags. Green means “yup, come swim” while Red means “stay away.” Follow these rules please. The ocean is no joke. Oh, and they had bathrooms you could use for a small fee (I believe it was $.50/person).

Bioluminescent Bay
Puerto Rico is home to three of the world’s five bioluminescent bays. What is it? A “bio bay” is a body of water where microscopic organisms called dinoflagellates grow in quantities large enough to produce a “glow-in-the-dark” effect when you touch or move them – like a sea of stars. Literally.

Doing a bio bay was high on our list of “want to dos” but the more we read about them, we just didn’t know if they were in the cards with six smaller children. We quickly eliminated the Mosquito Bay option since that required tons of logistics (a ferry ride and a night on the island of Vieques) and the La Parguera Bay is in the opposite corner of Puerto Rico, so we landed on Laguna Grande in the city of Fajardo. Fajardo is a one hour drive from San Juan in the northeast corner of the island and is the most visited bay on the island due to ease of proximity.

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Our family found a tour through Pure Adventure (same tour company we used for the catamaran) and we are so happy we booked with them. Here’s the general deets if you’re considering this bio bay tour:

  • Cost is $58/per person
  • Tours start at either 6pm or 8pm and last two hours (including the short lesson beforehand). We did the 8pm tour because the sky would be darker. It definitely made for a spookier kayak ride through the narrow lagoon.
  • Provided kayaks are all two-person. We partnered one adult with one child each. It worked out nicely since they say the weight limit per kayak is 400 pounds. They also provide life jackets (even though the water in the narrow waterway was only about 3 feet deep).
  • Children must be at least six years old to do the tour. And keep in mind, the smaller the kid, the less they can help paddle. And that can get hard when….
  • the kayak ride is 1.5 miles out and 1.5 miles back – through narrow waters surrounded by trees. I thought it was awesome. My 8-year old niece thought it was a little scary. The kayaks have lights on the back so you can stay with your group. I’d say they sent about a 15 or 20 kayaks out with our group so it was easy to stay together, but sometimes proved difficult to paddle through in a single file line without running into each other.
  • We wore shorts and t-shirts with a water shirt over top. We got wet from sitting in the kayak and splashing water on ourselves, but not soaked by any means. Waterproof shoes were good (we wore our crocs) and we all actually got super sweaty paddling three miles so the water felt amazing! Also packed pajamas for the kids to change in to when we got back to the car.
  • Don’t expect to take any amazing pictures. In fact, they advise you leave keys and cameras behind at the main desk before heading out. I brought a dry bag and did bring my camera but was too busy paddling to even get it out. This was one of those “remember with your mind” adventures.
  • Bring bug spray in case you need it. We had zero bugs the night we went, but I’ve heard horror stories about mosquitos on these tours.
  • Extreme bioluminescence is not guaranteed. Depending on the moon, the water activity, and other factors, sometimes the brightness of the water can be underwhelming. Our guide had us go under a large black tarp to see the colors more strongly and I was happy about that since the bay was not on its highest wattage.
  • The guides were great – very sweet, knowledgeable, and helpful.

I am definitely happy we took this excursion, but it was not the easiest thing I’ve ever done with kids. With young ones, I’d probably recommend the earlier tour. Come ready to work hard and you shall be rewarded with snacks and a good night’s sleep at the end of the day.

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Day Two: Old San Juan

Before our trip I researched Old San Juan like it was my job. By the time we headed out to see it with our own eyes, I was so pumped I nearly passed out. I LOVE old towns with rugged (not stroller-friendly) cobblestone roads, beautiful architecture, tall white churches, a rich history, and a story to tell. Old San Juan did not disappoint. In fact, we revisited on our last day because one day proved not to be enough for our crew.

What makes it so cool? Well, the pastel-colored buildings for one. The iconic landmarks to visit for two. The fact that the city protrudes into the ocean for three. It’s the perfect mix of old and modern with good food, great shopping, gorgeous sights, and busy streets.

Our day started with finding parking. We visited on a non-weekend, which was helpful to avoid busyness. The ramps are pretty easy to find if you search your Google Maps and cost next to nothing and no matter where you park in Old San Juan, the walk to the other side is no more than 20 minutes. Keep in mind, it can feel like a hilly city in parts, so hit the side of the streets with shade on hot days. We parked in this ramp for the curious. It was close to the cruise ship port so there were cute little snack stands (try the dried plantains) right by the water and it felt safe and clean.

Be sure to time your bathroom visits. There is a nice public bathroom near the cruise ship port and a few sprinkled throughout businesses and in the fort area, but be prepared to purchase food or drink for bathroom access.

Notable places to visit:

  • Café Cuatro Sombras – Start your day with the best latte I’ve ever had. Watch them grind the beans, sit in their adorable outdoor chairs, or take it to go. Oh, and use their nice bathroom. Those are few and far between in Old San Juan.
  • Parque de las Palomas (Pigeon Park) – I thought this small concrete park near Fortaleza Street would have a couple cute pigeons walking around looking for food. Nope. I could not have been more wrong. You walk under a gateway into a very Manhattenesque park bench-laden alley area to see hundreds of these happy well-fed birds. And you bet your butt they will land on you – on your head, on your shoulders, on your feet, on your arms. Depending on who you are (my brother-in-law was disgusted and kept his distance overlooking the water) you could stand there forever mingling with cheerful pigeons just waiting for some dried corn. Corn is sold by the street vendor right inside the park and it is a blast feeding them. My nieces have sensitive skin and got pretty scratched up from pigeon toenails, but they all said it was worth it. Maybe a long sleeve shirt just for this moment would be handy. And watch out for poop. I mean, you can’t really avoid it so I don’t know why I even wrote that, but there will be poop. Oh yes, there will be poop.
  • Anita’s Gelato – Anita really is la Mama del Gelato. Worth. The. Calories. We stood in line maybe 10 minutes to get our delicious scoops of this nummy sweet goodness and I would do it again in a heartbeat. There had to have been 25+ flavors to choose from, many unique (don’t get just one scoop!). They have a small seating area in the back and a bathroom so depending on the crowds, it’s a great place to cool off and scarf. And the prices were on par for what you’d pay at a Coldstone.
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  • Calle de la Fortaleza – If you follow anyone on Instagram who has been to Puerto Rico, you will surely see Fortaleza Street on their feed. Namely, you will see its hanging umbrellas or whatever seasonal street art ceilings the path leading up to the governor’s palace. We were there for colorful umbrellas – which made my day! Deceiving in photos, it’s not that long a street and you cannot actually walk on it, but you can stand in front of it and take your photos. This is classic Puerto Rico and you won’t want to miss it.
  • Pizza Pirata – When six kids get hot and hungry, you feed them immediately. Many of the restaurants in Old San Juan are a bit tighter on space but we found the open air of Pizza Pirata to be perfect for our group for a peaceful and filling lunch. I have to say, we were all pleasantly surprised by how delicious the wood-fired pizzas were. The Luna was the winner (so many cheeses) and the kids ate until their hearts content. It’s located right on Fortaleza Street and sold drinks and appetizers as well. Ps. You can walk the streets with a beer in hand. Just sayin’.
  • Scryer Rum Barrelhouse and Rooftop – Ok, so this one isn’t for the kids. But adults need to vacation too, right? Scryer was such a cool looking place with a warm rooftop and an awesome co*cktail and cigar menu. The vibe was totally Sherlock Holmes meets the cast of Clue and I was so there for it! We got this private sitting room in between floors with couches and space for the kids to play games while we enjoyed our whiskey flights and rum daiquiris. They don’t serve food and the drinks are pricey, but it was all about the experience. You can also schedule a tour (kids are allowed) and it was only $10-$25 for the tour plus tasting (like a billion dollars cheaper than the Bacardi tour).
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Travel with Kids: A Family-Friendly Puerto Rico Itinerary (26)
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  • Castillo San Felipe del Morro – There are a couple historic forts in Old San Juan but we only visited this one and I was happy with our choice (the other is Castillo San Cristóbal and that’s beautiful looking as well). The forts are more than 500 years old so seeing them is worth it for the history alone. But let’s not forget how cool it is for the kids to play in, on, and around all the cracks and crevices in the old fort. It overlooks the ocean (like, you look out the windows and you’re staring into the blue waters) and you can see how soldiers used the fort to fight and protect what was theirs…cannons included. There was a $10/person fee to enter the fort for anyone over the age of 15. Kids were free. Once you’re in, you can wander around all three levels of winding staircases, hidden “jail cells” (that’s what the kids called them), and towers galore. Watch your kids! There are definitely places on the fort that could be dangerous for adventurous children. We did not let ours step out onto any of the ledges, but they went into the ones with walls and peeked out windows. It was also very windy and not shaded in the fort. Bring snacks (there’s a small gift shop but no food) and use the bathroom if you have to – it’s a nice National Park Service amenity. The fort closes at 4:30pm so be sure to get there well before that. We spent maybe 90 minutes exploring and taking photos and that was plenty for our group.

    Hot Tip: FLY A KITE.
    If you have time, fly a kite in the open park in the fort’s front yard of the Fort. We packed a kite but never made time to fly it and I sort of regret it. They also sell kites at local street vendors. The wind is strong so it’s the perfect opportunity.

  • Souvenir Shops – If there is one thing there is no shortage of in Old San Juan, it is souvenir shops. Our kids each got some cash from Grandma and boy did they spend it! After awhile it all starts to look the same, but now and again, you’ll find a diamond in the rough. I got myself a Panama hat and a Christmas ornament and am very pleased with the purchases the kids made too (bracelets and boxes and wooden turtles and hats and shirts galore). It’s vacation. Souvenirs are part of the experience.
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Before leaving Old San Juan, we made sure we saw the Gate of San Juan (the big red doorway to the city). We did not go down to it, but we took pics from above. We toured a Catholic Church (the Basilica was closed) called Iglesia de San Jose and relaxed in the plaza. We also walked through Save a Gato, which is basically a free range sanctuary space on the streets of San Juan where stray and abandoned cats receive food, drink, and care as available. While it is hard to see stray animals, seeing water dishes and food along the streets for them was pretty cool and very admirable. Check out their website here. There was fro-yo and fountains and more little bars and cantinas than we could handle. Old San Juan stole my heart and it was completely manageable with large groups and kiddos.

Day Three: Zip Lining at Toro Verde Adventure Park

Full Disclosure: This activity is for older kids and is slightly terrifying (says the mom). It hosts the second longest zip line in the world. So we HAD to do it, right?

I can only speak to the tour we did, which was the Toro Pass for $99/person and included all 7 “main” zip lines plus The Beast and The Monster (both of which live up to their name). You can see all other pass options on their website and choose what works best for you.

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General details and tips:

  • Minimum weight is 100 lbs and max is 270 lbs. to do the zip lines. You must be 4 feet tall and 12 years old.
  • Close toed shoes are required. And make sure they’re comfortable to walk in and can get muddy.
  • This park is very inland and was a two hour drive for us from our home in Rio Grande. The tour is nearly 3 hours long (start times are 8am, 9am, 10am, and 11am) and the park is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
  • My husband wants me to tell you to get gas before you get to the last 30 minutes of the drive. It’s a windy, hairpin-turny adventure and goes up into the Orcovis Mountains (which is actually what you zip line over).
  • It will likely rain on you. Just a little bit hopefully, but the likelihood is high. Bring an extra change of clothes and I suggest wearing layers.
  • There are parts of the zip line tour that require some hiking and stairs. Like, no joke stairs. So be prepared for that.
  • They let me bring my phone and diabetic supplies with me on the zip lines, but they had to be in an on-body and very small waist bag that could zip or close tightly. For obvious reasons.

You’ll want to show up 30 minutes early to sign waivers, etc. You’ll get geared up and sent on your merry way doing one zip line after another until the seven are complete. Each one gets progressively higher and longer so by the time you get to The Beast and The Monster, you’re ready for it. Except that…

you do them on your stomach, facing forward!!!! Yup. Strapped in like Superman. Like a really scared, sushi-rolled, plastic-wrapped Superman. It is not for the faint of heart.

But ya know what? We did it. A mile and a half of forward-facing beauty flying 1,200 feet above the green mountains, creek beds, and rocks. I felt oddly safe and after a mile of soaring, I loosened up and truly enjoyed myself. If you have an adventure-loving kid (or one that just wants to conquer a fear and say they did it), this is worth every minute, every penny, every panic attack. And I was so stinking proud of my 13-year old who is afraid of heights. He did it. I was blown away by his courage. Video proof:

Day Four: Catamaran and Snorkeling Vieques

On day four, we all had to wake up suuuuuuper early to get to our snorkeling tour. I’m talkin’ leave the house by 6:15am with six kids (one who is a teenager – woof!). Know what though? It wound up being one of the best decisions of the trip! Our family used the same tour company as we did for the Bioluminescent Bay Kayak Tour, which provided us a discount of $10 a person for the snorkeling tour and we definitely recommend Pure Adventure for any of these excursions. The staff was SO friendly and helpful and good with the kids. Since only one of the kids had snorkeled before, one of the staffers even gave them a private “lesson” before setting out.

We had originally signed up for the full-day catamaran tour taking us to the island of Culebra (with Flamenco Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the world) but the night before, we got word that it was too choppy to go that way so we were switched over to the half-day tour which went to the island of Vieques. Zero complaints whatsoever (plus we got reimbursed for the cost difference) and it actually worked out better since the tour was only 8am-noon instead of 8am-3pm. Honestly, by the time the kids finished the 20-minute boat ride out, the two snorkel spots, and the ride back, they were already pretty exhausted. It was a blessing in disguise (although, yes, I would’ve loved a few hours on Flamenco).

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When you arrive at the check-in building, you will place your order for the lunch sandwich you want and sign your waivers. Drive over to the catamaran across the street and climb on board. No shoes allowed on the boat – and bring towels, sunscreen, and a life jacket if you prefer your own (they provide tons of life jackets and floating devices as well). We were lucky with the weather and the sun was in our favor. We first stopped near a beach on one side of Vieques and got to splash around. We could practice snorkeling (we even saw an octopus!), go paddle boarding, or just walk the sand.

After an hour or so, we headed to another spot in more open water. My mom and youngest son weren’t comfortable in that water so they stayed on the boat. The rest of us piled in the water and saw sea turtles, sea urchins, and even a sting ray flat against the sand.

This second leg of snorkeling was choppier and far more difficult. I would say the age for it would be minimum 8 and a good (enough) swimmer. All snorkel gear, lunch, snacks, and drinks are provided.

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After we pulled back in to the parking lot, we tipped our staff and changed into dry clothes. I found a sweet little stop that I wanted to be sure I mentioned – Fres K Paleta in Fajardo. It is a small local chain but the paletas were SO FUN! It’s like a creamier popsicle but can be decorated to your liking. The pumpkin spice one was divine and I was also a fan of the S’mores. Kids loved it. Definitely a good stop to break up the trip back home.

Day Five: El Yunque Rainforest

There is one standalone tropical rainforest in the United States and it is in Puerto Rico. So of course we had to go!

You must make a reservation to park within the rainforest main entrance and visit all the hiking paths and sights by car. With kids, this is a must! Set your calendar for exactly 30 days before the day you plan to visit the rainforest. Get online at exactly 8am and grab your reservation quickly (it’s $2/car and you can register two cars). It’s like signing your kid up for a popular summer camp – be fast, be ready, be smart. We got ours but the 8-11am time slot sold out within minutes. There is also an afternoon time slot (so you can enter any time between those hours), and those did not sell as quickly. You can only book on the exact day 30 days out from your arrival date. No pressure 🙂

Once the reservation is made, you can start the planning process. It’s not a huge rainforest, but it holds tons of hiking options for all skill levels. There is a visitor center which I heard is pretty neat, but there was a charge of $8-10/person and we really just wanted to hike so we skipped it. We arrived close to our 11am cutoff time because the morning was rainy and foggy and our views from the towers would not have been what they were.

Some people say to wear a swimsuit to the rainforest. My family preferred shorts and tank tops with a long sleeve over in case it rained/got chilly. Then we packed a change of clothes because we knew we were going to hit up the waterfalls.

Bring shoes that can get wet. The hiking was muddy since it rained that morning, but we were grateful for our water shoes when we went into the falls. And I packed a waterproof backpack with my important items in a dry bag in case we got rained on.

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How did we navigate the rainforest?

  • We started with the Yocahu Tower right inside the entrance. This is simply the tower. You get out, walk to the top of the “Rapunzel Tower” (as our kids called it) and walked back down to the car.
  • We drove passt Juan Diego Falls (which is the second stop on the map) because we wanted to get wet last. First things first – the one “big” hike we were making the kids do. We continued to drive the 5-10 minutes until we got to the Mt Britton Trail. Mt Britton was about 2 miles long, mostly uphill, and the end had another tower overlooking the rainforest. I knew they could do it – and they did!
  • The paths on Mt Britton trail were narrow but sturdy (mostly not mud or dirt either). The paths are most definitely not stroller-friendly but little legs can handle them. There was plenty to look at, from ferns to snails to frogs. It took us 45 minutes for us to get to the tower and we were all relieved when we arrived. Take it all in. The views at the top were stunning. I could’ve stayed up there all day. The hike back to the car was obviously easier, but slightly slippery.
  • Bring water, snacks, sunscreen, bug spray, and wear layers if the weather looks iffy. It IS the rainforest after all. Some folks bring ponchos (you know, the thing you pack for every vacation but never actually use)
  • We got back to the car and decided it was picnic time. There are a couple small rest areas for families to purchase food and drink, use the restroom, or sit at a table to enjoy a pre-made picnic, which is exactly what we did. My husband got a 6-pack of Ocean Lab craft brews for the adults and the kids were in heaven with their PB&Js and crackers. It was much needed and surprisingly delicious.
  • Since that’s all we had planned for “real hikes,” our last stop had to be water! Juan Diego Falls seemed to be the most kid-friendly, only a short 5-minute hike from the car but was sort of rocky and uphill. The falls were powerful and the water was ice cold, but that didn’t stop us from dipping in. There is a hike upwards to a second higher falls but it really was an upward climb. I bowed out but my husband and sister did it with some of the kids, including my 6-year old niece. Don’t lose each other – no cell service.
  • I found THIS MAP from the USDA Forest Service to be very helpful when selecting our hikes and stops.
Travel with Kids: A Family-Friendly Puerto Rico Itinerary (55)
Travel with Kids: A Family-Friendly Puerto Rico Itinerary (56)
Travel with Kids: A Family-Friendly Puerto Rico Itinerary (57)

If we had more time, we would have liked to hit up Angelito Falls, which is actually just outside of El Yunque’s entrance (so go here if you didn’t get a reservation). A short walk to the falls and lots of shallow, nice swimming holes for young kids. Check it out. And remember El Yunque closes its gate at 5pm daily.

As far as other trails in the rainforest go, many sounded quite difficult in both length and physical condition. My marathon-running brother did nearly all the trails in the rainforest and had stories to tell about muddy climbs, slippery slopes, downpours, fog, and general difficulties. I’ve heard La Coca Falls is an easier option as is the Caimitillo Trail. But beauty? THAT is everywhere in El Yunque.

Our Puerto Rico vacation ended with a “free choice” day so we did Old San Juan again with a night relaxing at the house pool trying to consume all the leftover food we had ordered. It was a mozzarella-stick, chicken-nugget, leftover-hotdog kind of night. And it was absolutely perfect.

After another long travel day, we all made it home from the trip content, fulfilled, joyful, grateful, fatter, braver, tanner, and happy. Was the most wonderful way to ring in retirement for a strong leader of a woman –

this blog is dedicated to my mom. She’s paved more paths than words I have. We love you, mom. Thank you for the memories. Now LET’S PARTY!

Travel with Kids: A Family-Friendly Puerto Rico Itinerary (58)
Travel with Kids: A Family-Friendly Puerto Rico Itinerary (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.