Can a Succubus Be a Good Mom? - Chapter 2 - ESamb (2024)

Chapter Text

Stacey woke up two hours earlier than normal so Bri could drive her to the pharmacy the moment they opened. Her blonde girlfriend, who had somehow managed eyeliner before 5:00 am, lifted an eyebrow as Stacey slumped into her passenger seat.

“What? I have a cow lick or something?” Stacey asked.

“I’m just waiting for the punchline to drop,” Bri said, pulling away from the house.


“You don’t expect me to believe Emma’s actually pregnant, do you? She’s six. She must’ve found a used test and got excited, right?”

“Three used tests, you mean? She says she pulled them out of shrink wrap and peed on them herself.” Stacey’s cheek sunk onto her palm beside the window.

“Girl, are you serious? Emma’s for real pregnant? How is that even possible?”

“Were you even listening on the phone? I told you, I figured out I have that Nympho-whatever. These co*cks mean I’m basically a real-life succubus, and the internet says that means I’m, like, triple-extra fertile.”

Bri scoffed. “You cumming as much as a herd of horses shouldn’t matter. She’s SIX!”

“That’s not even a record. Apparently one time a little girl got pregnant at four. Just extra unlucky, I guess.”

“Okay. Okay, holy sh*t? So what’s your plan?”

“I buried the tests in the neighbor’s trash, and we’re getting her plan B right now. No one needs to know anything about any of this,” Stacey said.

“… Emma agreed to take plan B?”

“She will. She has to.”

“… I don’t know about that, Stace.”

Stacey stared out her window without responding. Bri pulled a lock of blonde hair over her ear, glancing back and forth, trying to get a good look at her girlfriend’s darkened green eyes while still watching the road.

“So, okay, we find an excuse to hang out with Emma alone and somehow convince her to take it. We can do that, right?” Bri asked.

“I hope that’s all there is. Emma kept waffling on if she used a fourth test or not. They usually come in packs of two but even after I turned the place inside out we only found three.”

“Oh my god, Stacey, no! You don’t think her parents already know, do you?”

“Don’t jinx it! I’m gonna call them. You’re right, we can just invite Emma out shopping with us tomorrow, give her the pill then. It’ll be done before anyone can figure it out.”

“Stacey, you’re panicking. Do NOT call them at 5:30 am.”

“I’m not panicking! I’ll just leave a message!” Stacey began flipping through her cell.

“They’re gonna know something’s up, just call later when-“

Stacey held up a finger. “H-Hello? … Oh, hi Mr. Waldman, I hope I didn’t wake you! … No, no emergency, I was just wondering if Emma might want to join Bri and I tomorrow to shop for some- … Oh. Is everything okay? … That’s- Hello? Oh no. Oh no! Ohhhh f*ck!”

“What is it?” Bri asked.

“He hung up on me.”

“What!? Why!? What did he say?”

“He said Emma won’t be going anywhere. He said the family needs some privacy for a while. And then he hung up.”

“Oh. sh*t. That’s not good.”

The color drained from Stacey’s face. “I’m going to prison, aren’t I?”

---2 Months Pregnant---

After that Stacey could barely eat. She could barely sleep. For days, every sound, every scurrying squirrel outside morphed into a police cruiser pulling into her driveway followed by the image of her mugshot plastered across the local news.

She fantasized the Waldman’s ‘need for privacy’ was all some big coincidence, like a poorly timed death in the family. Maybe the case with Claire’s dad picked up steam? She fell into an hourly cycle of rotating through every app Emma ever touched, typing out a question, then regretting it and deleting everything. After a couple rounds of that, she would inevitably masturbat*.

Despite the non-stop panic, all three of Stacey’s oversized co*cks refused to fully calm down ever since she found out she had impregnated Emma. The image of that freckled, flat-chested, not yet four-foot-tall brunette swelling with her baby would flash through her mind and seconds later three throbbing poles would be knocking on the underside of her desk. She liked to tell herself that with each new bathroom-coating org*sm she was somehow growing the distance between her newest ejacul*te and the genetic evidence growing inside Emma.

The Waldman’s wall of silence wasn’t broken until a full week after their curt phone call. Early the following Saturday morning a soft, familiar knock echoed from Stacey’s front door. The teen nearly rolled down her stairs to find a smiling, freckled little brunette alone at her doorstep.


“Good moooorning, Stacey! Can you play today?”

“Emma, good god! Where’ve you been!? What’s going on!? Get in here!”

Before Emma could explain anything, Stacey realized she was wearing nothing but an oversized sleep shirt and panties, except her chest now filled out the shirt revealing her panties that never contained her co*cks in the first place. And the front door was wide open.

Stacey grabbed her tiny brunette girlfriend’s hand, dragging her inside and straight up the stairs to her bedroom. The freckled 6-year-old was wearing a cute white print tee and flare-leg jeans but had conspicuously paired them with a thick wool-knit beanie and scarf she was now tossing aside.

“You expecting snow?” Stacey asked.

“Mommy said she feels too overwhelmed and then she picked weird clothes.”

“Overwhelmed? What do you mea-?”

Stacey’s words were cut short as the freckled child threw her arms up to latch onto the redhead’s filled-out sleep shirt, dragging her back down until the teen was folded into a kiss. Emma stood on her tip toes, one hand tugging her 17-year-old partner deeper onto her lips while the other swapped to groping Stacey’s heavy, braless breasts through her shirt.


Stacey closed her eyes and embraced the child. As she let her tongue taste Emma’s, she felt a week’s worth of stress filling all three of her fully exposed shafts hanging from her panties. The moment her center co*ck throbbed high enough to tap the freckled child’s tummy, Emma broke their embrace only to fall to her knees and immediately inhale the growing pole’s tip.

“Ooohhh my god, Emma, hold on! Believe me, I would love nothing more than to cum in you right now, but I need to know what’s going on! Your dad sounded pissed over the phone a week ago. Does your mom even know you’re here right now?”

Emma popped Stacey’s top co*ck from her lips only to continue stroking it with both hands, the teenage succubus’s other two shafts rising to attention on either side of her.

“Daddy said we need fresh air so Tom said he was taking me to Connor’s house, but Tom and his friends are playing a new video game today so he said I could get dropped off wherever I want! So I came here! Our baby needs more of her mama’s cum, I can feel it!”

Emma immediately resumed giving head and forced Stacey backwards onto her bed, the little girl’s stretched lips sinking down around her hardening center pole.

“H-Hooooly GOD, Emma! Slow down! We need to talk about the baby too! Your family didn’t find out, did they? You’re still way too y-young to be responsible for a whole-“

Stacey’s smart phone lit up, buzzing with an uncommon ringtone that made her heart sink. She snatched it off her sheets to confirm.

“Hey, Emma…? Why is your MOM calling me right now!? Are you sure she doesn’t know you’re here!?”

Emma paused her blowj*b, now whispering. “I’m not! I’m not! Tell her I’m at Conner’s, I’ll be quiet!”

“Why would I know that!? Whatever!” Stacey tapped her screen. “M-Mrs. Waldman, it’s been a while!”

“Hey Stacey, sorry for the sudden radio silence!” Julie’s voice cracked over the phone. “The Waldman house has had just an absolute train wreck of a week.”

“Oh no! I hope everyone is okay!”

“Well, about that. Do you have a minute? And are you alone right now? It’s about Emma’s health so I have to ask that this stays between us. Is that okay?”

Stacey glanced down at Emma in time to see the child swallowing the head of her center co*ck again, this time slipping it into her throat. The overly endowed teen pulled her cleavage apart to furiously shake her head ‘no!’ but her underage girlfriend was already engrossed in the task at hand.

“U-Uh, sure? Alone in my room right now, my lips are sealed! W-What’s up?” Stacey asked.

“Want to take a guess what we found in Emma’s room last weekend?”

“Oh gosh, I can’t imagine. Was she hiding something?”

“Lost it, we think. We found a pregnancy test behind her dresser. Used. And positive.”

“BEHIND HER-!?” The color drained from Stacey’s face. It was real. It was happening. They found it. They knew. Every far-fetched fantasy she concocted about coincidentally timed family drama shattered in the pit of her stomach. It took the very same pregnant child in question slurping on the underside of her co*ck to snap Stacey back into focus. “W-Wow! Is Emma getting a little brother or sister?”

“No. No, no. That’d be good news. Emma…” Julie took a deep breath. “Emma is the one who’s pregnant.”

“Pregnant!? N-No way! How?”

Emma let out a satisfied hum at the word ‘pregnant,’ the edges of her stretched lips tensing into a smile without slowing her impassioned deepthroating.

“God, I don’t know! We were so focused on Jun and Claire that we didn’t notice what was being done to our own baby girl! I feel so completely helpless, Stacey. I just-! Sorry. That’s what this week has been. Finding out how this happened. And who did this.”

Stacey tried to silently pry her middle erection from Emma’s lips. “… Mhm!”

“So obviously Charles and I were on the hunt. Our big clue came with the fetus’s lab results just yesterday. Have you ever heard of a genetic condition called Nymphomelia? Or maybe ‘succubus syndrome?’”

Stacey’s heart stopped dead in her chest, her eyes bolted open. “N-Nympho…!?”

“It’s okay, I wouldn’t expect you to, it’s rare. There’s a lot more to it, but it’s a hereditary condition and it makes you extra fertile.”

Emma raised an eyebrow at her teen girlfriend’s protests before giving up on the center co*ck, popping off to swallow the redhead’s lower left erection instead. Despite getting used to Emma’s touch on one co*ck, swapping co*cks felt like scratching an entirely new itch on an entirely different limb. A fresh jolt of lightning shot up Stacey’s spine.

“O-OooKAY…!?” Stacey said.

“Don’t let me bog you with details, the important part is the fetus tested positive for Nymphomelia. Which is only possible under one condition: It was inherited from the parents.”

Stacey tried to say something, but her throat had run bone dry.

“Which explained half the mystery, at least. I had heard Nymphomelia ran in my family but we had no idea Emma was positive. There’s normally an obvious sign – you become what the doctors call ‘intersex.’ As in both sexes. Like, girls get a little bump that grows into a penis after birth and then they just have both! But then apparently not always! And Emma was one of those exceptions where she didn’t show any signs so they never tested her! The doctor tells us she might have been fertile as young as 3 or 4 years old, which is just…” Julie paused for a shaking sigh.

Stacey coughed. “Wait, you’re saying Emma is the parent who has this, a-ahh, ‘succubus syndrome’?”

Emma let out another happy hum with a smile as she deepthroated Stacey’s second erection.

“She does, and there’s more to that, so bear with me. We also learned kids normally only test positive for Nymphomelia after birth, sometimes not until puberty. For the fetus to test positive like this it means both parents had to be positive as well. And since it’s so rare, that whittles down the suspects considerably.”

“I-I see. So, do you know who got her pregnant?”

“We think so. Unfortunately, it must have been Claire.”

Stacey paused. “… Claire? As in Emma’s cousin Claire?”

“Must have been, she’s the only other person positive for Nymphomelia who’s been near Emma. Remember how I mentioned it gives girls boy parts? We never would have guessed otherwise.”

“Wow. Okay. Wow,” Stacey tried to once more wrestle her second erection from Emma’s attentive lips. Emma popped it free only long enough to put a finger in front of her mouth and shush her older partner before resuming. “So, then… wh-what are you going to do about the baby?”

“Well Charles thinks- I mean, we believe all life is sacred so, I know it sounds crazy, but… we’re seeing this through,” Julie said. “Emma will be welcoming a baby into the world sometime around New Years.”

“You’re keeping it? She’s gonna have to give birth?”

“That’s correct. We’ll be home schooling her at the beginning of the next school year until she’s recovered from it. And… truth be told, we could really use some extra help. Which is why I wanted to talk to you. I know you’ll be graduating soon and thought you might be looking for work.”

“You called me for… babysitting? I mean, sorry. Obviously.” Stacey exhaled a breath she felt like she had been holding for a week straight. “How can I help?”

“Well, a couple things. One, you tell no one about the pregnancy. You know, your mom knows, and that’s it. We’ll be telling friends and family the baby is her sibling and I don’t want anyone hearing anything otherwise. Understood?”

Without warning, Emma pulled the second erection from her throat and swallowed the third instead. The sensation of a tight, loving blowj*b refreshed itself once more and Stacey nearly doubled over, the veins on all her co*cks throbbing thick.

“A-Ahh! Yeah! Y-Yeah, that makes sense!” Stacey said.

“Good. Two, we’d be asking you to work 8:00 am to 4:00 pm during the week, up until Emma gives birth, at least. But we know New Years is after the start of the fall semester.”

“Not a problem, I was- Nnh… I was planning on working for a gap year anyway.”

“Oh, thank God. Perfect. That means next, is, ah. Hm. It’s frankly… an awkward topic.”

“More awkward than Emma being pregnant?” Stacey asked.

Emma co*cked her head to the side but didn’t stop sliding her lips over Stacey’s sensitive final shaft.

“It’s related. You already know that pregnancy can really mess with your hormones, right?”

“Nnh! Yeah, of course!”

“Well, as if all of this weren’t enough already, we’ve learned the hard way that pregnancies like Emma’s, where both the mom and baby are positive for Nymphomelia? Are even more… potent in some ways.”


Julie lowered her voice. “She’s been humping all the furniture in the house like a dog in heat. It’s honestly a nightmare. We just barely got her to start going to her room first, but when it hits her she just gets so- Are you getting the picture?”

As Stacey’s third two-foot co*ck disappeared down Emma’s throat, the 6-year-old slid her little hand under the redhead’s panties to finger her puss* at the same time. “O-Oooohhh, yes! Yes, d-definitely! ‘Like a dog in heat’ was pretty descriptive.”

“Sorry. I’m only saying this because you’ll be looking after her and it will happen. So when it does, could you help us make sure she finds a way to excuse herself before she exposes herself?”

“You… you’re asking me to take her to a private place for her to, um, relieve herself?” Stacey asked.

“That’s it exactly. Like an extra potty break. I know this isn’t in the standard ‘babysitter’ deal so we’d be bumping you up another $5 an hour to cover for the… unique challenges.”

As Emma’s little fingers pumped away at Stacey’s inner walls, the child once again rotated co*cks back to the center, swallowing it whole. One more time the warm, wet pleasure of Emma’s little mouth started fresh and Stacey’s entire body locked up.

Stacey covered her mouth as she felt a tidal wave of pleasure welling between her legs. Emma made another smile through stretched lips as Stacey’s baseball bat of a co*ck throbbed yet thicker with fresh cum.

“Stacey? You okay?” Julie asked.

“Mhm! Perfect!” Stacey gripped a fistful of Emma’s light brown hair, pounding her shaft down her throat as cum exploded back up around it. “I-I, um! I think I’ve been really, ahh! Really s-stressed about what to do after I graduate so this is a-ahhh-!” All three of Stacey’s co*cks throbbed in sync, two of which splattered her desk with ropes of hot sem*n “A-Actually a relief! Just… a huge relief! I’d love to help.”

“Stace, when I say you are an angel sent to bless the Waldman family, I mean it. Thank you SO much.”

“It’s my pleasure, really!”

“Listen, I got to go, but I’ll text you about babysitting times soon! Thanks again!”

Stacey hung up the line at the same time Emma fell back onto the floor, Stacey’s center co*ck sliding free from her throat. All three gargantuan erections spurted after-shock squirts of white over Emma’s wet, freckled smile.

“So… I guess we’re having a baby?” Stacey asked.

“We’re having a baby!” Emma said.

“You’re… you’re already pregnant?”

“I’m already pregnant!” Emma’s grin faded as her girlfriend stared off into space. “… Stacey? Are you okay?”

“What time was your brother planning to pick you up today?”

“Not until after dinner. Why?"

“Good.” Stacey stood up, all three of her rock-hard co*cks drooling for more. She pulled her nightshirt off over her red hair, her heavy breasts bouncing free. “Take off your clothes.”

Can a Succubus Be a Good Mom? - Chapter 2 - ESamb (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Views: 5934

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.