Console commands - Victoria 3 Wiki (2024)

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Victoria 3 offers a debug mode (disabled by default) that allows the inputting of console commands. This page lists the codes that may be input into the Console Window, a special debugging window that may be accessed in non-ironman games while in debug mode by pressing Shift+2, ALT+2+1, Shift+3,§, ~, ^, °, ², or ` (key varies based upon keyboard layout). For QWERTY keyboards, the key is `. Otherwise, Shift + Alt + C may work if the prior combinations did not. Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Press ⇆Tab after entering the beginning of a command to autocomplete it or display which commands contain the entered sequence. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary.

Debug mode is a set of game tools that allows the modification of game behavior outside of normal means. It includes:

Debug mode can be enabled before launching the game and/or toggled in the game using mods. It can be disabled from the console, but can't be re-enabled after it's closed (unless with mods).

There are a number of mods, like Free Console Access, which allow the toggling of debug mode between on and off, making it convenient to use the console and play, but this doesn't enable instant reloading of files. For modding, it's better to use both a mod and launch options.

To activate achievements again, disable all active mods and remove -debug_mode from launch options. After launching the game, make sure you have the correct checksum. It can be found in the right corner in the Main Menu.

When debug mode is activated, some tooltips (especially on the map) will show debug info which is normally hidden during normal gameplay.

CommandDescription3dstatsToggles 3D Stats3dstats.EnableGfxZoneStatsToggles 3D Gfx Zone StatsAdjacencies.RebuildRebuild all adjacenciesApplication.ChangeResolutionChange the resolution through the consoleBrowser.OpenURL [<url>]Opens up a browser with the provided URLCamera.DebugPrints out camera debug informationCamera.LoadLoad camera positionCamera.SaveSave camera positionChecksum.LogLog the game state checksums to the game log.CrashReporter.DeleteCrashDataDelete local crash dumps older than X days.CrashReporter.SimulateCrashSimulates a crash (resulting in the game exiting).Debug.Achievements.Lock [<key>]Locks an achievement againDebug.Achievements.ResetAllLocks all achievements againDebug.Achievements.ToggleDebug [<value>]Puts the achievements system in debug modeDebug.Achievements.Unlock [<key>]Unlocks an achievements given the keyDebug.TextureMode [Name of debug mode]Enables a texture mode for debuggingDockables.Create [Dockable name]Create dockableDockables.CreateUserLayout [Dockable layout name]Create a new user layout copy of current layout, with new name.Dockables.DeleteUserLayout [Dockable layout name]Delete layout as user layoutDockables.HideLayoutHide any shown dockable layoutDockables.SaveUserLayoutSave current layout to disk as user layout, optionally under a new name.Dockables.ShowLayout [Dockable layout name]Show an existing (user) layout, hide current layoutDockables.ShowManagerShow dockable layout managerGUI.AnimationTimeline.LogStatsDump stats of the GUI Animation Timeline system to the debug log.GUI.ClearWidgetsClear dummy widgetGUI.CreateDockable [File name] [Widget name] [Dockable id. If doesn't exist, it will be registered]Create dummy dockable widget. With 0 arguments the file name will be gui/test_gui.gui, and the widget name will be test_windowGUI.CreateWidgetCreate dummy widget. With 0 arguments the file name will be gui/test_gui.gui, and the widget name will be test_windowGenerateCoastalRegionNavalExitsGraphics.CapFramerateGraphics.DumpMemoryInformationLocalization.ToggleIncludeKeyInLocOutputIncludes the loc key in localization outputLocalization.ToggleOnlyKeyInLocOutputShows only the loc key in localization outputLocalization.ToggleSkipDataSystemInLocOutputDon't run the data system at all in locLog.ClearAllClears all logsLog.ClearErrorLogClears out the error log and resets the error countMap.SavePNG [<map mode>] [<file name>] [<yes/no> Should render flat (optional)]Save a PNG screenshot of the map for a specific map mode. The only map mode which is known to work is "countries".MapObjects.DebugPrints out map object debug informationMapObjects.GenerateGameLocators [<type>] [<filename> (optional)]Generates locators for the game's map objectsMapObjects.Painter.AddPositionPlace a map object under the cursorModifierNode.GraphOpen a graph view of the tick tasksModifierNode.ListOpen a graph view of the tick tasksMusic.PauseFactorShows or sets the current pause_factor of the music systemMusic.PlayTrack [<track name>]Plays the specified trackMusic.ResetResets the music systemMusic.StopTrackStops the currently playing trackPopsFileStorage.SyncSync POP File StoragePortrait.ClearCacheClears the portrait cache. Forces all portraits to refreshPrint.EventDebugPrint event debug statistics, needs to set Debug.Events to collect statisticsRandomLogToggles random loggingRandomLog.Dump [Frame count to dump, or * to dump all available frames (defaults to *)] [Target filename (defaults to random.log)]Dump random log data to a file.SDL.EventLoggingScriptProfiling.DumpSplineNetwork.AppendAssetsSplineNetwork.ClearAssetsSplineNetwork.Database.ReloadSplineNetwork.Graphics.AddAllSplinesSplineNetwork.Graphics.ClearAllSplinesSplineNetwork.SetAssetGenerationModeSets mode for spline strips and anchors generation <naval/default>SplineNetwork.ValidateSplinesValidate the integrity of in-game spline systemTerrain.RegenerateRegenerates terrain bitmapTerrain.SaveThreading.TaskThreadCount [The number of task threads]Set or get the number of task threadsTickTask.GraphOpen a graph view of the tick tasksTickTask.ListOpen a graph view of the tick tasksadd_approval [interest group name] [amount] [time]Adds an approval timed modifier to a given interest group, [amount] is optional (default=1), [time] in months and optional (default=1), e.g: add_approval ig_armed_forces 20(approval) 20(months) find group name in game/common/interest_groupsadd_clout [interest group name] [amount] [time]Adds or removes clout of the interest group by changing their political strength with timed modifier, [amount] is optional (default=1), [time] in months and optional (default=1)add_ideology [interest group name] [Ideology to add.]Add an ideology to a given interest groupadd_loyalists [culture] [amount]Adds loyalists to culture by fraction of populationadd_radicals [culture] [amount]Adds radicals to culture by fraction of populationadd_relations [<country tag>] [amount]Changes relations with country by a given valueadd_war_support [country_tag] [amount]Alters wars support of country in ALL of their wars by amountai.debug [tag]dumps debug info for countryai.goal [tag] [goal type]Checks ai goal. The ai goals do not refer to the secret goals in ai_strategies but the ai_goals obtained via using ai.debug.ai_evaluate_building [<building key> <state region key>]Prints AI debug data for selected state & building type.ai_evaluate_interest [<strategic region key>]Prints AI debug data for selected strategic region declared interest.ai_evaluate_production_method [<building key> <pm key> <state region key>]Prints AI debug data for selected production method in state for building type.ai_evaluate_trade_route [<goods key> <country tag>]Prints AI debug data for selected goods & country trade partner.annex [<country tag/id>]Annexes a countryannex_allAnnexes all other countriesaudio.cpu_infoShows current cpu usageaudio.list_eventsList audio eventaudio.play_event [audio event]Play audio eventcallstackPrint the callstackchange_lawChanges a Law to the specified key (like "law_monarchy", etc)changestatepop [state_id] [pop_type / all] [factor]Changes the pop size of the given pop type ( can be 'all' ) by at most the given factor. Will be capped by max employment for each pop.check_pollution_level [state region tag]Print out pollution for specified state regioncheck_saveChecks that saving and loading is consistentclearlinesClear linesclearspawnedentitiesClears entities spawned with spawnentity commandcoa_preview_windowOpen the Coat of Arms Preview Windowcompound_nodeeditorCompound Node Editorconquerall [country tag]Set all enemy provinces under our control.crashCause the application to crashcreate_ai [self/all/tag]Creates AI for country or countriescreate_building_historyCreates a game-history compliant .txt file of all buildings in the world / state ID as well as their PM / subsidy configurations.create_country [country definition] [country type] [culture] [state id]Creates a countrycreate_political_movement [<law type key>]Creates a political movementcreate_pop_historyCreates a dump in debug.log with a complete pop historycreate_state_region_dataCreates a game-database compliant .txt file of all state regions in the world and their provinces/resourcescthulhu?data_types_explorerOpens the data types explorer dockabledata_wrappers_stats [Filter]Prints statistics about data wrappersdate [date in format]Changes current datedebug [arguments]Various debugging actions. See console command arguments.debug_lens_optiontoggles the cheat mode debug_lens_optiondebug_modeToggles debug modedebugcharactersCreates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all characters.debugcountrybudgetsCreates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all countries and their budgets.debugemploymentCreates and appends a comma-delimited logfile with debug info regarding employment in the specified state ID.debugmarketsCreates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all goods and markets.debugpopconsumptionCreates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all pops' consumptiondebugpopwealthCreates a semi-colon delimited logfile of the current wealth status of all pops.debugstatesWrite a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all states.debugterrainweightsPrints out the number ofdebugtheatersWrite a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all theaters.deironDisables Ironman modedisable_ai [all/tag]Disables AIdisable_pop_growthtoggles the cheat mode disable_pop_growthdisable_retoolingtoggles the cheat mode disable_retoolingdrawcmdsviewerDraw Cmds Viewerdump_data_typesdumps the registered data typesdump_ref_lookup_memory_reportenable_ai [all/tag]Enables AIentity_editorEntity Editor Dockableescalate [<amount>]Adds escalation to player diplomatic plays.event [event name] [<country_tag/province_id>]Executes an eventexplorerShows an object explorer windowexportbuildingsWrite a semi-colon delimited logfile with all building type infofastbuildtoggles the cheat mode fastbuild (makes all constructions instant) (affects AI)fastenacttoggles the cheat mode fastenact (enactment of policies is instant)fasthiretoggles the cheat mode fasthirefastincorporatetoggles the cheat mode fastincorporate (makes incorporation of states take 1 day)fastinstitutionstoggles the cheat mode fastinstitutionsfastintegratetoggles the cheat mode fastintegratefastintereststoggles the cheat mode fastinterestsfastmobilizetoggles the cheat mode fastmobilizefastresearchtoggles the cheat mode fastresearchfastrevolutiontoggles the cheat mode fastrevolutionfastsecessiontoggles the cheat mode fastsecessionfasttravelstoggles the cheat mode fasttravelsfind_unemployedFind and report all unemployed pops with an optional cutofffix_state_regionsFix state regions.force_oosMake this client go out of sync in multiplayergenerate_province_center_objectsgenerates a file with meshes in the center of each provincegfx.reloadtextureReload texturesgfx.skinselect active gfx skingfx.texture_limitSet texture video memory limit in megabytesgui_animation_editorGUI Animation Timeline Dockablegui_editorSpawns gui editorhelp [command name]Print out all console commands or a specific command description.hq_show_idtoggles the cheat mode hq_show_idignore_government_supporttoggles the cheat mode ignore_government_supportinvalidate_character [character id]Invalidate the modifier on the character with the specified IDinvalidate_country [country id]Invalidate the modifier on the country with the specified IDinvalidate_ig [interest group id]Invalidate the modifier on the interest group with the specified IDinvalidate_state [state id]Invalidate the modifier on the state with the specified IDio_statsToggles IO Statsio_stats.ResetResets IO Statskill_character [character name]kills the named characterlog_statusLog Status Dockablelog_ticktask_performanceStart outputing ticktask performance data to profiling.loglog_viewerLog Viewer Dockablemap_editorToggle map editormapmode [mapmode]Switches to a given mapmodemeasure_frame_time ["start" or "stop" measuring]Measures avg/min/max frame time and prints the result to debug.log once stoppedmemory_statsToggles Memory Statsmemory_stats.ResetResets Memory Statsminidump [file path]Creates a minidumpmoney [amount]Adds specified amount of moneynet_debuginfoPrint debug info about the networking layernet_statsToggles Net Statsnet_stats.ResetResets Net Statsnorevolutiontoggles the cheat mode norevolutionnosecessiontoggles the cheat mode nosecessionnosupportlossPrevent countries from losing war supportnoshortagesPrevents penalties for supply shortages in buildingsobservestart observing the gameown [province id/state region tag] [country tag]Change the owner of specified province or state region. The state region tags can be found in the list of state regionsparticleeditorParticle Node Editorpermitmarginalizedingovernmenttoggles the cheat mode permitmarginalizedingovernmentpops_account_disconnect_steamDisconnect Paradox account from Steampops_account_login [email] [password]Login to a POPS Accountpops_account_logoutLogout from a POPS Accountpops_account_statusShow whether you are currently logged into POPS or not.popstatPrints out amount of active pops.portrait_editorOpen the portrait editorprint_gamestate_modifiersPrints Gamestate Modifiersprovince_borders [true/false]Toggles showing of province borderspseudoLocEnable/Disable Pseudo Localization on Text Widgetsrecalc_cached_dataRecalculate cached gamestate data.release_modeToggles release modereload [file name]Reloads assetsrendertypeReports what render backend is usedresearchAcquire technologiessave_game_analyzerOpen the save game analyzerscreenshotTake screenshotscript_docsPrints script documentationset_devastation_level [state region tag] [amount]Set devastation level in specified state regionset_pollution_level [state region tag] [amount]Set pollution level in specified state regionsettingsSpawns a settings GUI with an optional argument for an initially selected categoryshader_debugshader_editorShader Editor Dockableshow_goalsShow AI goals.skip_migrationtoggles the cheat mode skip_migrationsleepSleep for specified amount of millisecondssocial_addfriend [Context Index] [Account ID]Add a friend to friends listsocial_debuginfoPrint debug info about the social layersocial_joinroom [Context Index] [Room Name] [Nick Name]Join a chat room using the given social contextsocial_sendmessage [Context Index] [Room Name] [Message]Send a message to a chat room.spawnentity [<entity name>] [<state> (optional)]Spawns specified entity at cursor positionspawnentity_at [<entity name>] [x] [y] [<state> (optional)]Spawns specified entity at xy-positionspawnline [<line name>] [<start position 'x,y,z'> (no spaces)] [<end position x,y,z> (no spaces)]Spawns specified line between 2 positionsspawnnotification [notificationtype] [<scopeindex>]Spawns notification of specified type.swapchain.buffersQuery/Set swapchain buffersswitchlanguage [language name]Reload localization files and switch languagetag [country_tag]Switch control to another countrytestaipactsTest whether AI would dissolve current pactstestevent [event name] [<country_tag/province_id>]Tests an eventtestobjective [<subgoal key (optional)>]Tests objective triggered effectstexturelistTexture ListtextureviewerTexture ViewertimeWhat time is it?tools.skinsSkin Editortreatyport [<state region tag>]Takes treaty port in state regiontweakSpawns a tweaker GUIupdate_distributionUpdates garrison unit distribution in HQ of specified State IDupdate_employmentTransfers employees between buildings in the specified state ID.validate_employmentPrint out unemployment in states.validate_hubsvalidate_incomePrint out countries with income deficits.validate_naval_exitsvalidate_popsEnsures all pops have valid params and prints them to the error log otherwise.versionShows current build information, put 1 as second parameter for long versionvsyncToggle main swapchains vsyncwagerateGet or Set a building's wage rateyesmenAI will agree to all diplomatic proposals & sway offers from players
Console commands - Victoria 3 Wiki (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.